Biden's Seattle visit sparks traffic and airport congestion, pro-Palestine protests

SEATTLE - Air Force One and President Joe Biden landed in the Pacific Northwest around 4:45 p.m. on May 10.

President Biden will be in town until May 11, which will disrupt flights when Air Force One takes off at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Meanwhile, drivers should be aware of potential major road closures on top of already-scheduled construction projects.

"The last time he was here, we got stopped for 45 minutes," said Puyallup resident Ben Budde.

FOX 13 caught up with Budde and his wife as they were waiting for their flight. They said they know thing or two about presidential visits to the Pacific Northwest.

When a President is in town, they know it’s all about timing and traffic.

"The last time Biden came, we had tickets for Jazz Alley and got stopped in traffic," said Budde. "The roads were closed all around."

Luckily, they made it to their destination, but not without having to change routes.

This time, the pair are flying to Great Britain.

"We knew he was coming into town," said Budde's wife, Marilyn. "We planned in advance. We don't want our daughter to have to drive in the traffic. She brought us at noon and we’re just sitting till six."

They have the right idea.

Sea-Tac Airport told FOX 13 that the President’s arrival and departure should have minimal impact on flights, but for security measures, travelers should expect delays of 30 minutes or more when he leaves Saturday.

Travelers we spoke to aren’t taking any chances.

"We found out about the President this morning," said Puni Asi. He and his wife are flying out to Hawaii and arrived at Sea-Tac early.

"It was crazy," said Asi. "We had to get off work early. Had to call our Uber three hours early and all that. It was either wait until things clear or come early."

Airport officials also recommend checking with airlines and ticketing agents ahead of time.

Road closures may not be so easy to navigate.

While the president's Seattle itinerary remains tight-lipped, places he visits will see roadblocks, closures and potential protesters.

Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered downtown ahead of his fundraising event near the Lotte Hotel.

Protesters told FOX that they’ll be following the President’s every stop, and that could impede traffic flow. As a precaution, Seattle Police and traffic agents are working security detail with the President’s team.

"We’ll be following as much as we can," said anti-war activist Talia Braester. "We hope Biden, whether he’s here or wherever he is, will hear our message that we’re going to keep showing up until we’re no longer funding a genocide."

As for Ben and Marilyn Budde, they’re just warning travelers to plan ahead.

"Do you really need to be at the airport?" joked Marilyn. "We do only because we’ve had this planned for over a year and we’re not giving up this trip!"

So far, there have been no reports of airline delays or cancelations.

As for road closures, government agencies said they’re doing their best to update the public via social media as early as possible.
