Audrey Hepburn's Granddaughter Emma Ferrer Talks About the Secret Sadness Behind Her Family's Famed Matriarch

Audrey Hepburn in Publicity Photo
Audrey Hepburn in Publicity Photo

Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

Ready to enter the world of Hollywood legend, Audrey Hepburn, like never before? The new documentary, Audrey: More Than An Icon, will acquaint you with Hepburn on another level, diving into her private life, inimitable style, her childhood, philanthropic work with UNICEF, and more.

Now, in a recent interview with Harper's Bazaar, Hepburn's granddaughter, Emma Ferrer, sheds new light on the inner struggles of the beloved star. Though Hepburn died before Ferrer was born, Ferrer came to know her grandmother intimately through stories from her father, Sean Hepburn Ferrer and — like the rest of us — through watching her silver screen productions, albeit imbued with an insider's perspective as a member of the famous family.

In the interview, Ferrer discusses Hepburn's "deep desire for love," perhaps surprisingly for fans of someone so praised and adored by so many. This sense of loneliness likely stems from her father leaving her mother when Hepburn was six-years-old, which resulted in a total estrangement from her father for many years.

"[The documentary shows what] it means for her father to leave at such a young age and the way that she kind of tries to fill this role later on with men throughout her life and a series of failed relationships and what it means to have a failed pregnancy and miscarriage," Ferrer reflects to Harper's Bazaar's Erica Gonzales. "These are things that now are entering more into the public realm and into the conversation right now. But at the time, definitely weren't. So I think that they're just really relatable."

WATCH: Audrey Hepburn's Career by the Numbers

Audrey Hepburn's Career by the Numbers

Audrey Hepburn's Career by the Numbers

At the end of the interview, Ferrer shares the spirit she hopes the film captures: "I really think that the message to take away from this is Audrey took pain and turned it into something really revolutionary. A lot of other people in her situation would have kind of just tried to numb that pain." Though we've long admired Hepburn, it's clear from Ferrer's words that this documentary will give us a powerful new perspective on the Hollywood great.

Check out the trailer below and rent or buy the flick on Amazon Prime here.

If that sneak peek doesn't whet your appetite to abandon your evening's plans, dim the lights, and explore Hepburn's private world, we don't know what will. We're looking forward to tuning in, and following it with a Breakfast at Tiffany's encore.
