Ancient Biblical City Of Sodom Was Real, Destroyed By Massive Asteroid Explosion, Say Archaeologists

artist's rendition of a cluster of asteroids approaching the Earth
artist's rendition of a cluster of asteroids approaching the Earth

The ancient Biblical city of Sodom was not only a real place, but it truly was destroyed by fire from the sky, as the Bible claims. However, that fire came in the form of a “massive asteroid explosion” in the air above the region, say archaeologists, in a controversial new paper published this week.

As Newsweek reports, some historians have long believed that there may be something to the Old Testament story of Sodom and Gomorrah. For those not familiar, Genesis 18:19 describes how God, angry with the wickedness of the men of the two cities, destroyed them both with fire. And while few serious scientists believed that the cities were destroyed by the wrath of a vengeful god, some considered the possibility that the cities may have been done in by a meteor strike.

Now, new evidence seems to support that theory.

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