American Ventures: How the city of Pikeville found its footing again after the downturn of coal industry


For many years, the city of Pikeville was one of the leading coal producing regions east of the Mississippi. When the industry hit a downturn, however, the residents of the county were forced to find another way for its economy to stay afloat. Hundreds of miners in Kentucky were suddenly left unemployed, and in response to this crisis, Bit Source was created.

Bit Source is a web, software and gaming development company currently run by 10 former coal miners. And while the company may only be in an early developmental stage, Rusty Juice, one the co-founders, believes, "It's an effort to bring about a transformation of our local economy that has suffered due to the downturn of the coal industry."

Watch the video above to find out how this start-up is revitalizing and reinventing Pikeville's once coal-dependent economy.
