90 funny questions to liven up any conversation

Life can sometimes feel a little too serious. And people can really double down on their stiffness when asked certain questions that — while interesting — can provoke uncomfortable memories from their family history or past relationships. Instead, you might be interested in asking funny questions that will keep the conversation light while still helping you get to know the person.

For example, a funny question to ask a family member could be, “Who is the most eccentric family member from our past?” or “If you had to describe everyone in the family as a type of food, what would it be?” You might be surprised to learn that your sister views you as a slice of pizza (warm, comforting) and your mom as corn on the cob (sweet, reserved for holidays).

Maybe you’re lucky enough to be talking with kids, who are always down for a good laugh. They might have a great answer to funny questions like, “What would you do if you had four arms?” and “What does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth?” (Seriously, though, what do they do?)

Whether you’re speaking to friends, family, your partner or kids, we’ve got you covered. Here are the funniest questions to ask people for a good, shared laugh.

Funny questions to ask friends

  • What’s the oddest license plate or sticker you’ve ever seen on someone’s car?

  • If you could teach a dog to do one human thing, what would it be?

  • What is your most-used emoji?

  • What’s your silliest selfie face?

  • Did you ever think clowns were creepy?

  • Who is your celebrity doppelgänger?

  • For a day, would you rather be a hobbit or an elf?

  • Did you ever think you had superpowers as a kid?

  • If you had to dip your Oreo in something other than milk, what would it be?

  • What’s the stinkiest cheese?

  • What’s your unlucky number?

  • What’s the craziest bet you have ever made?

  • What season is the worst suited for your personality and why?

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

  • Have you ever had an imaginary friend?

  • What fruit would you be if you were a fruit?

  • What flower would you be if you were a flower?

  • How many pizza slices do you think you could eat in a minute?

  • What was your favorite childhood snack?

  • What’s your favorite board game?

  • What are your most random pet peeves?

  • Have you ever walked out of a movie theater without finishing the movie?

  • Whom would you choose to have a love-hate relationship with?

Funny questions to ask your partner

  • Do you like being the big spoon or the little spoon?

  • If we were to switch bodies for a day, what would you do first?

  • Between the two of us, who should go back to Driver’s Ed?

  • Who is the biggest Karen in our neighborhood?

  • Do you think I am more like a vampire or a zombie?

  • If you had 25 hours in a day, what would you do with your extra hour (besides sleep)?

  • What game show do you think I would be really good at?

  • If there were no repercussions, who would we prank call tonight and how?

  • If we were two scoops of ice cream on a cone, what would we be?

  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

  • Do you ever make pictures out of clouds?

  • What’s the wackiest nickname you had as a kid?

  • Which sitcom couple are we most like?

  • What is your lamest skill?

  • If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • Would you rather sing every other word you say or yell every other word?

  • If we were in a zombie apocalypse, where would we hide?

  • What’s your best animal impression?

  • You can travel to one place, and then can never travel again. Where are we going?

Funny questions to ask family

  • What’s our most fun family tradition?

  • What were you afraid of as a kid?

  • What were you afraid of as a kid that you’re still kind of scared of now?

  • Why did you choose to name me this?

  • If there was one chore you never had to do again, what would it be?

  • Who in our family needs to go back to Driver’s Ed?

  • Was I obsessed with any toys or objects as a kid?

  • If you had to describe everyone in the family as a type of food, what would it be?

  • Who is the most eccentric family member from our past?

  • Where would our family absolutely hate living?

  • What is the one thing you think this family can’t live without?

  • If our family had a theme song, what would it be?

  • What is your favorite holiday memory?

  • Are there any funny stories that I don’t know about in our family?

  • Do your best impression of me.

  • Do your best impression of [insert someone in your family].

Funny questions to ask kids

  • What is your favorite thing to put ketchup on?

  • What is the best kind of food for a food fight?

  • Who makes you laugh the most?

  • What is your favorite outfit?

  • Which instrument has the funniest sound?

  • Do you think there are aliens?

  • Would you rather have a ghost or a monster in your closet?

  • Would you rather live under the ocean or on another planet?

  • If one of your toys could come to life, which one would you choose?

  • If you set a world record, what would it be?

  • Where does Santa go on vacation?

  • How do you know it is lunch time?

  • If you had a store, what would you sell in it?

  • When do you stop being a kid?

  • What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?

  • What does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth?

  • Would you rather eat a cucumber or a pickle?

  • What is the weirdest animal?

  • Which video game character would you be?

  • If you were in the circus, what would you do?

  • What would you do if you had four arms?

  • Who is your all-time favorite Disney character?

  • Would you rather live on the beach or in a castle?

  • Can you tell me the funniest joke ever?

  • What would your superhero name be?

  • What makes someone smart?

  • What is something grown-ups always say?

  • What talent do you wish you had?

  • What is your favorite dessert?

  • What is the best way to make people laugh?

  • If you could invent a new toy, what would it be?

  • Which zoo animal would you like for a pet?

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
