CNN's Brooke Baldwin wells up in poignant interview with coronavirus victim's daughter

CNN's Brooke Baldwin wells up in poignant interview with coronavirus victim's daughter

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin repeatedly welled up as she interviewed a woman who’d been unable to say goodbye in person to her mother before she died from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Instead, a nurse held up a cellphone so that Michelle Bennett could tell her mom Carolann Christine Gann that she loved her, via video chat.

“I do not have all of the words in the world to say. I’m sorry, just that I’m sorry for the loss of your mother,” said Baldwin, who choked up several times during the exchange on Monday’s broadcast of “Newsroom.”

Bennett recalled feeling “helpless” at not being able to hold her mother’s hand or rub her head before she passed, over fears she too could contract the virus if she was present. “I know my own mother is watching but forgive me, but I feel for you,” said Baldwin.

Check out the segment here:
