Try this one trick to help pay off your debt
Managing your finances can be difficult, but a few quality tips and tricks can go a long way. Each week we'll be featuring a new tip on anything from daily spending to retirement planning from a member of the Finance Collective. This week's tip comes from Financially Fit & Fab and is a tip on one way to pay off your debt:
Increase Your Income
"After you have lowered your expenses, it is time to bring in more income. There are many ways to bring in more income especially during the holiday season. Maybe your full-time gig will let you work extra hours for overtime. In addition, retail stores typically hire for the holiday season. That part time holiday gig could turn into a longer gig.
When I raised my credit score over 150 points and paid off over $10,000 of debt, I worked a second job at DSW. What I thought would be a seasonal gig, turned into a 3-year part time job. Despite working 50-60 hours per week between both jobs, it didn't seem so bad. I found a part time job I enjoyed. I found friends through the job. It is important when looking for extra income that you find something you are good at and that you enjoy. First of all, if you enjoy the job you will be able to work there for a longer period of time.
Retail jobs aren't the only part-time jobs available. There are plenty of other side hustles you can pick up right at home to make extra money like:
Freelance Writing
Virtual Assistant
Social Media Management"
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