A look at voters and polling places around the country on Election Day

A look at voters and polling places around the country on Election Day

Voting is one of the most important rights American citizens are able to exercise.

Elections are held on some level, from assorted states up to the Oval Office, every single year. 2016 happens to be a year in which we're not only electing a new president, but also 34 senators, 11 governors and all 435 members of the House of Representatives.

Polling places can vary from schools to county election offices to office buildings. If you're unsure of how late your local polling place is open, you can check a state-by-state list here.

Take a look above at citizens around the country supporting their candidates of choice and making their voices heard in one of the most historic elections the U.S. has ever seen.

Related: Meet the voters who were able to get their ballots in early:
