Girl and service dog wear adorable matching outfits to prom

Girl and service dog wear adorable matching outfits to prom

Wearing matching outfits with your best friend is always a cute idea, but for one teen in Australia, it took an Instagram-worthy moment to an entire new level.

Erin Condrin has Classical Type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder that causes difficulty with everyday tasks like writing and tying shoelaces. Her service dog, Lacey, has been her constant source of support since mid-2005.

Lacey has acquired several festive outfits, much like this Christmas get-up.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Posted by Erin Condrin on Saturday, December 12, 2015

But when it came down for Condrin to find the perfect prom dress, she made sure to keep Lacey in mind.

"We asked my very talented dressmaker if she'd sew Lacey a skirt out of the left over material from my dress, and she was all for it," said Condrin.

Decked-out in an adorable gold lace skirt and sparkly bow, Lacey posed for pictures on prom night.

Best night at our year 12 formal... More photos to come! ❤️

Posted by Life with Lacey on Saturday, March 5, 2016

Because Condrin was scared that Lacey might be frightened by all the flashing lights and chaos, the dog only made it to take pictures beforehand.

However, Condrin says she hopes to take her to other formal events in the future.

Truly the belles of the ball!

Related: See other therapy and service animals:
