Ruth Bader Ginsburg admits she drank before the State of the Union

Ruth Bader Ginsburg admits she drank before the State of the Union

Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be in her 80s, but she still knows how to work hard and party hard.

The Supreme Court Justice has already made headlines for her exercise habits, and her refusal to retire, but on Thursday we learned she also likes to drink a little. Ginsburg revealed during an appearance at George Washington University Thursday night that she had imbibed a bit before this year's State of the Union speech.

"The audience for the most part is awake, because they're bobbing up and down all the time," Ginsburg said, referring to the members of Congress who often cheer (or jeer) in reaction to what the president says during the annual address.

"And we sit there, stone-faced, the sober judges. But we're not, at least I wasn't, 100 percent sober," she said to laughter from the audience.

The justice said she enjoyed a "very fine California wine" her colleague Justice Anthony Kennedy had provided for a pre-speech dinner.

"I vowed this year, just sparkling water, stay away from the wine, but in the end, the dinner was so delicious, it needed wine to accompany it," Ginsburg added.

And while the dinner might have needed the wine, it didn't help keep her alert for the big speech.

"So I got a call when I came home from one of my granddaughters and she said 'Bubbie you were sleeping at the State of the Union," she said, while also noting that she "often" does doze off at those events.
