Artist illustrates comical movie title typos

Artist illustrates comical movie title typos


Removing one letter from the title of a movie can make for some pretty funny typos. If you proceed to turn those typo-laden titles into masterful drawings, then you will probably blow up the Internet.

At least that's what writer and illustrator Austin Light did.

The artist recently became an online sensation after uploading an album of movie title typo illustrations to imgur and, in turn, posting the album on Reddit. The images went viral, and he was soon inundated with requests for prints, shirts and interviews.

"I didn't expect or plan for the response at all," Light told "I expected a few comments and up votes, nothing more. So yeah, you could say I was surprised by the response. It blew me away."

Suddenly finding himself at the mercy of an immense group of fans, Light, whose imgur album currently has almost 1.5 million views, said he scrambled "to get a website up, redraw the most requested ones to make them print worthy and answer the 1000+ emails" he received.

The pictures originally came about because of InkTober, an initiative started by artist Jake Parker to get people around the world to draw one ink drawing a day for the entire month of October. The idea behind Light's theme stemmed from a chat with co-workers a couple of days before the challenge was set to begin. A colleague introduced him to a 2012 Reddit thread about removing a letter from movie titles.

The rest was history.

"I thought it would be fun to draw some of them, not to go viral or anything, just to amuse us." Light said. "So the next morning, I drew Obocop. As soon as I got done drawing his sexy robo hips, I was hooked."

From there, he made a list of some of his favorites and took some suggestions from friends. He picked titles that he thought would be fun to draw and ones where the gag immediately jumped out at him.

Then he drew a new illustration each day.

"Harry Otter and T. were probably my favorite ones to draw, just based on how much I was giggling to myself while I did them," Light said (though he's quick to point out that "my wife catching me laughing over a sketchbook" is a common occurrence).

While this wasn't Light's first artistic challenge (he had taken on self-imposed challenges in the past), it was his first one using ink. His previous "Doodle-A-Day" endeavors, had been done digitally. InkTober's call for artists to pick up a pen seemed like a fun challenge to Light, who just recently got into working with pens and markers.

"With two kids, my time for digital art is limited to after they're in bed," Light explained. "But I can grab a sketchbook and pen any time -- while at work, while they play, while they eat, etc."

He said that most of these particular pictures were drawn during lunch or while his kids ate breakfast. But juggling children, a job and "too many side projects," meant that some days were harder than others to squeeze in drawing time.

"There were a few days that I barely got one done," Light said. "For example, I did Star Wars: A New Hoe immediately after doing a Star Wars one the day before, because I realized it was 10:30 p.m., and I hadn't drawn anything. But that's the fun of InkTober, pushing yourself to draw a finished picture every single day."

It seems that extra push worked out well for Light.

"It's been surreal, exciting, humbling and so much fun," he said. "This is definitely opening new doors for me, which is awesome. I'm so grateful for the Reddit community and their enthusiastic response."

Click through the gallery above to see Light's incredible illustrations.

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