Colbert Report Tweet Causes Twitter Firestorm
Looks like even some of the most popular comedians can't get away with every joke. Stephen Colbert is now defending himself over claims of racism after the hashtag #CancelColbert began trending on Twitter. The call to end his show was sparked after a joke he made was posted to twitter.
The joke read: "I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever."
The tweet started a firestorm on the social network as many found it insensitive. It was in response to a controversy over the Redskins team which is starting a charity for Native American groups.
In response, The Colbert Show deleted the tweet and said Stephen did not write it.
But we couldn't expect Colbert himself to stay quiet over the matter - he even took part in the trending hashtag and responded, tweeting, "#CancelColbert - I agree! Just saw @Colbert Report tweet. I share your rage."
No matter how famous or funny you are - it never hurts to read a tweet before you send IT out to the Internet for the world to see and get offended.
Actor Rainn Wilson - popularly known as Dwight Schrute on The Office - crossed a line when he tweeted a date rape joke, which read "If I were ever date raped I would want it to be to 'Whole Lotta Love' by Led Zeppelin."
And comedian Gilbert Gottfried is famous for his offensive tweeting - which include a 9/11 joke just three weeks after the tragedy happened. And he was actually fired from one job for several jokes he tweeted about the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.