FarmVille English Countryside Sneak Peek: Tudor Cottage, Rose Iron Fence, Garden Gazebo & more
It looks like the English Countryside theme of limited edition items in FarmVille will be growing by leaps and bounds in the near future, as we've come across a whole set of new decorative items that look to fit into that theme. It's unknown right now as to whether or not all of these items will be available on both farms, or if some will be locked to England, so keep that in mind.
For new buildings, there is a Tudor Cottage and an Oast House. For those unfamiliar with the latter, an Oast House is a building that's designed for drying Hops used in breweries. As Hops are a new crop in the English Countryside, this is an incredibly logical choice for a themed building, and if any item were to be locked to England, we'd imagine it would be this one.
Meet us behind the break for a look at the new decorative items.