Habbo hotel adds Facebook Connect feature


The pixelated and long-standing social game Habbo integrated Facebook Connect into itself last month, allowing people to share information about their Habbo character between the services. This doesn't really add much functionality to Habbo, but for those players that want to inform their friends whenever they decorate a room or send a gift, the Facebook integration will be excellent. The real hook behind this is that Habbo wants to get in on the 350+ million users on Facebook every day and add some of that to their own player base. Sulake CEO Timo Soininen had this to say in a press release:

"Combining the Habbo virtual world with real-life Facebook friend networks is a very exciting step for us. Facebook makes it easy to find and stay in touch with friends, while Habbo takes playful real-time interaction and meeting new people to a completely new level inside Facebook. Habbo is all about meeting friends and having fun together and the Facebook connection gives this a totally new meaning. Also brands wanting to engage with our international Habbo communities will benefit from the increased viral effect."

[Via Inside Social Games]
