Unscrupulous marketers: Don't mess with this grandma...


Don't mess with my mother. She is 87-years-old, lives alone and is sharp as a tack. So when she saw an ad on TV for Hydroxatone with a risk-free trial for only $9.95 for shipping and handling, she called them up.

She wanted her risk free trial. But she did not want their Auto-ship Beauty Program, a 60-day supply and monthly billings of $69.95. She thought she made her position clear, so she was shocked when her risk free sample arrived. One sample jar, a two-month supply and an invoice for $149.00. What happened to $9.95?

Interestingly, it said right on the invoice to call customer service with any questions BEFORE calling your credit card company. Is it possible other folks have also had an issue with Hydroxatone? Once you sign up for the "risk free" trial, they have your credit card number and can just keep billing away each month. It says on the website that you can cancel at any time but how many people don't even realize that they signed up?

Well, like I said, don't mess with my mother. She called the credit card company and canceled her card and then called Hydroxatone. She patiently explained that she did not want the two jars, would not pay the bill, and planned to report them to the Better Business Bureau.
