2 teens charged after allegedly carving swastikas in suburban elementary school playground equipment

ELMHURST, Ill. - Charges have been filed against two teenage boys after they allegedly carved hateful messaging into elementary school playground equipment in Elmhurst.

Christopher Jackson, 18, and his 17-year-old co-defendant, both of Elmhurst, carved swastikas into playground equipment at Edison Elementary School, according to prosecutors.

Elmhurst police responded to the elementary school, located at 246 S. Fair Avenue, on May 20 for a report of criminal property damage.

Officers found multiple swastikas and Nazi phrases carved into plastic playground equipment. Damage to the property was estimated at approximately $4,471.36. Jackson was arrested the same day.

<div>Christopher Jackson</div> <strong>(DuPage County State's Attorney)</strong>
Christopher Jackson
(DuPage County State's Attorney)

"It is alleged several elementary school children saw the damaging carved symbols on the playground equipment during their school recess and alerted their teacher," Elmhurst Chief of Police Michael McLean said.

Jackson was charged with one felony count of Hate Crime – School Property, one felony count of Criminal Damage to Government Supported Property and one felony count of Criminal Damage to Property.

"Hate crimes have no place in a civilized society," DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said. "The allegations against these two defendants, who are both in their teens, are very disturbing."

The second offender is expected to appear at a detention hearing in the near future.

Jackson's arraignment was scheduled for June 17. A judge granted the state's motion for pretrial detention.
