Our Nawakwa accepts donation of $50K from Northwestern Bank

CORNELL — When asked about the $50,000 donation given to their camp earlier this month, Sherry Jasper, Our Nawakwa Inc. board president, said Northwestern Bank is an amazing community resource.

“Our Nawakwa is excited and humbled to have the support of Northwestern Bank,” said Jasper. “It allows us to continue to build relationships around our community, because the trust in Midwest Bank, others may be more open to learning about Our Nawakwa — which is a brand-new organization.”

She continued, and said they have had the opportunity to work with the bank to help make sure that Camp Nawakwa’s new direction was developing adequately.

As the organization recently reopened Camp Nawakwa for youth groups in the spring and summer months, operational expenses to keep up maintenance of the camp are something which the organization focuses on. Another expense for Our Nawakwa to maintain is the loan which they used to purchase the camp.

The $50,000 donation will go towards both of these expenses as they fall under their Capital Campaign, said Jasper.

“We will continue to have conversations with both folks who are able to support Camp Nawakwa and may be willing to give a donation, either businesses, individuals or foundations,” said Jasper. “We will also be able to have lots of conversations with youth groups, sports teams, high school organizations or troops who want to be able to take their kids into nature or into camp in order to form partnerships so that Nawakwa meets its mission of being a place to get kids into the outdoors.”

Since Northwestern Bank wrote the check for Our Nawakwa, Jasper said they have also received additional gifts which they are grateful for as they still are accepting support.

For those looking to donate to Our Nawakwa, visit their website for more information at ournawakwa.org.
