Nancy Pelosi Announces She's Stepping Down as Democratic Leader

WASHINGTON — Nancy Pelosi, the first female speaker of the House, who helped shape many of the most consequential laws of the early 21st century, said Nov. 17 that she will step down after two decades as the Democratic Party’s leader in the chamber.

“With great confidence in our caucus I will not seek re-election to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” Pelosi said in a speech on the House floor.

Pelosi was speaker from 2007 to 2011 and returned to the top job in 2019. She announced her decision just a day after NBC News and other news outlets projected that Republicans had flipped control of the House in last week’s midterm election, sending Pelosi and the Democrats back to the minority.

More personally, just weeks ago, her husband of nearly 60 years, Paul Pelosi, survived an assault by a hammer-wielding intruder at the family’s home in San Francisco.

Pelosi likely won’t be leaving Congress entirely. She won her 19th term last week and is expected to remain a member of the House, at least temporarily, given the GOP’s razor-thin majority.

As Pelosi took the mic, the chamber was packed with Democratic lawmakers in their seats, while the Republican side of the aisle was largely empty — a symbol of how politics have changed over Pelosi’s three and a half decades serving in the House. The front row on the Democratic side was filled with fellow women lawmakers from California.

Nancy Pelosi (Anna Rose Layden / Getty Images)
Nancy Pelosi (Anna Rose Layden / Getty Images)

Pelosi is one of the most powerful lawmakers of her generation or any other, and her departure will rob Democrats of strategic acumen and unmatched fundraising skills.

“She’s been at the center of the country’s biggest crises, initiatives and showdowns for a quarter-century,” Pelosi biographer Susan Page said. “People can certainly disagree with her policies and her tactics. She hasn’t done much to temper the partisan tone in Washington. But what you can’t disagree with is this: She has gotten things done, even when almost everybody else thought they were impossible.”

Pelosi, 82, was a central player in passing the most significant laws in recent history, from President Barack Obama’s signature health insurance measure and President Joe Biden’s climate change initiative to President George W. Bush’s Wall Street bailout and President Donald Trump’s Covid-19 rescue programs.

Her legacy is also one of institutional leadership outside the lines of policy. As she and other congressional leaders took refuge from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Pelosi coordinated with Vice President Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., then the Senate majority leader, and law enforcement to ensure the building would be cleared and Biden’s election would be certified that day.

The attempt to sack the Capitol led Pelosi to start a record second impeachment of Trump during his final days in office.

“She will go down in history, without equivocation, as the strongest, most effective, most powerful speaker the country has ever had. And her talents and skills are unmatched,” Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., a top ally who represents a Bay Area district next to Pelosi’s, told NBC News. “So I feel very fortunate to have served under her because I don’t think we’ll see anything like it again.”

Political boss

First elected to the House in 1987 from a San Francisco-based district, Pelosi, the daughter and sister of Baltimore mayors, rose through the ranks of the House — from seats on its powerful spending and intelligence panels to Democratic whip, minority leader and speaker — on the strength of acute political instincts, big-time fundraising for a member of Congress and the ability to unify factions of an often-fractious caucus.

Then-Congressional candidate Nancy Pelosi waves in front of her campaign headquarters in San Francisco in 1987. (Paul Sakuma / AP file)
Then-Congressional candidate Nancy Pelosi waves in front of her campaign headquarters in San Francisco in 1987. (Paul Sakuma / AP file)

Colleagues have long pointed to her upbringing in old-school city machine politics — she kept a “favor file” for her father — to explain what often seemed like an innate sense of how to reward, punish and cajole them to win support in leadership elections and on the legislative battlefield.

In her speech Thursday, Pelosi referenced her first trips to the Capitol with her father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., when he represented Maryland in the House. “When I first came to the floor at six years old, never would I have thought that someday I would go from homemaker to House Speaker,” she said.

“She is the single best at the inside game that I’ve ever seen or served with,” said Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa. “She remembers every time a person has been with her on a vote and every time a person has been against her, and that memory is very important in that type of a position.”

The fear of reprisal is one reason Pelosi hasn’t been seriously challenged in a leadership election since she first won the post of Democratic whip over Steny Hoyer, D-Md., in 2001. Since 2003, she has been her party’s leader in the House, the longest streak in either party since Speaker Sam Rayburn, D-Texas, who died in 1961 after 25 years running his party.

“For a woman, she’s opened the doors wider for every last one of us,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., who grew emotional talking about Pelosi. “And it’s not pleasant being on the other side of her, but I thank her for everything that she’s done.”

Early in her career, Pelosi demonstrated a rare touch for influencing colleagues.

When former progressive Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., launched a campaign for the chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee in 1994, Pelosi helped him whip votes to win the gavel, even though he wasn’t the most senior member of the panel. The key, he said, was her knowledge of members’ interests and personalities.

“She had a book on everybody in her mind,” Obey recalled in a telephone interview Thursday. “She understood what made each member tick.”

Obey, who would later return the favor by supporting Pelosi’s leadership bids, called her “virtually irreplaceable.”

But Pelosi’s longevity ultimately became a liability. Before the midterm elections, some of her fellow Democrats, including moderate Reps. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, openly called for fresh blood in the ranks of party leadership.

The calls continued in the days after the election — even with control of the House undecided.

“Whether we hold the majority or lose it by one to five seats, it’s time for a new generation of leadership. Period,” Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., said shortly after the midterm elections.

Pelosi’s successor

The race to succeed Pelosi, as Democrats settle back into the minority after modest losses in this month’s midterm elections, is expected to feature a series of next-generation candidates. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, 52, the Democratic Caucus chairman, has been considered Pelosi’s heir apparent, and he would become the highest-ranking Black lawmaker in history if he were to win. But neither Hoyer, 83, nor James Clyburn of South Carolina, 82, the beloved majority leader and whip, respectively, have ruled out running for minority leader. Clyburn told NBC News earlier Thursday he would stay in leadership regardless of Pelosi’s plans but has previously indicated he might serve in an “advisory” role.

Asked about Pelosi’s role leading the caucus over the last two decades, Clyburn told NBC News, “She has done absolutely great. Fantastic. History-making in more ways than one.”

Pelosi led Democrats to their first majority in a dozen years when they caught a blue wave in the 2006 midterm elections. Her colleagues rewarded her by making her speaker, a position she used to highlight America’s struggles in the Iraq War and the Bush administration’s role in the 2008 housing and finance industry crisis.

When Obama won the presidency that year, Pelosi and House Democrats expanded their majority. With newfound power and a Democratic Senate, they delivered an economic stimulus package, the so-called Dodd-Frank Wall Street regulations and the centerpiece of Obama’s agenda, the Affordable Care Act. Pelosi was particularly instrumental in squeezing the latter program into law, negotiating among centrist Blue Dog Democrats, her party’s dominant progressive wing and the bishops of her own Catholic religion.

“Somebody asked me if this was a victory for Barack Obama. It’s not. This victory belongs to her,” Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., the chairwoman of the Rules Committee at the time, said when the first version passed in the House. “As far as I know she never sleeps nor eats.”

The backlash to Obamacare helped Republicans knock Democrats out of power in the 2010 midterm elections, but Pelosi, with a smaller and more progressive caucus, held on to the reins of the party. She did it despite having been featured in millions of dollars of advertising against House Democratic candidates.

Eight years later, after Trump and Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare, she led Democrats to a midterm victory and was restored to the speakership.

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