This music video welcoming millennials to the aging club feels personal

Holderness Family Music via YouTube

If you've ever noticed yourself vibing to the music playing at the grocery store, this story is for you.

A new video released this week from content creators Kim and Penn Holderness describes what many members of the millennial generation — born between 1981 and 1996, according to the Pew Research Center — are feeling as they wade through their 30s and early 40s.

The video, titled "Welcome to the Club, Millennials," opens with Penn Holderness asking if they have noticed "a little less raging, behavior is changing because you are aging?"

"Well Gen X is here to say don't be bummed, come on in, welcome to the club!"

The video goes on to name the many things millennials are doing nowadays — drinking seltzer water, having fridge calendars for the family, hearing younger generations call your clothes "vintage" and Christmas shopping in October.

The Holderness duo also notes that mental health walks for your mood and having a "special chair for your back" get you into this club.

In a text to, Kim Holderness says they were inspired to make the video after their younger friends started complaining to them.

"We have so many friends who identify as millennials and they’ve grown offended when they start hearing “their music” in the grocery store," she says. "Millennials are aging and three-day hangovers are a real thing."

The video isn't all doom and gloom, however. The second half lists some benefits to getting older — like not caring about other people's opinions and having an easier time getting dinner reservations at an earlier hour.

"Our clothes are now trendy today because we just never threw them away," the song goes, as one of the millennials hands another Advil in the club.

The ending scene shows the Holderness couple and their millennial friends having an unscripted conversation about aging.

"You know how you would get a car and there's a warranty up to 50,000 miles?" Penn Holderness asks one of their friends. "So, our warranty is 45 ... After 45 the warranty expires."

"And then it just gets weird," Kim adds.

This article was originally published on
