Move over 'LOL,' there's a new way to laugh online. What does 'ijbol' mean?


Online communication has certainly changed over the last several decades. There seem to be new phrases popping up every day, and sometimes, these terms change meaning over time.

For certain users, the laughing and crying face emoji is used to denote amusement. For others, it's out-of-style, and using it signals you may have fallen behind the times

Some slang has even seen different iterations through the years. Gone are the days of "lol" and "rofl," their hot new replacement is "ijbol." Here is what it stands for and how to use it in your conversations.

What does 'ijbol' mean?

"IJBOL" stands for "I just burst out laughing," according to Similar to "lol," the slang is used to express laughter and delight.

The term was first used around the late 2000s to early 2010s, but it didn't gain popularity until recent years, reports. "IJBOL" was popularized around 2021, used primarily by younger media users, on TikTok or X, formerly known as Twitter.

How to use 'ijbol'

Here are some examples of how to use "ijbol":

  • "Did you listen to the new TMG podcast?" "Yeah, ijbol."

  • "Ijbol she's in her flop era."

  • "TikTok fights are so silly ijbol."

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Want to learn? Catch up on more text slang explainers:

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: 'IJBOL' meaning: 'LOL' is so yesterday, meet the slang of the moment.
