Morristown couple offering $6K reward for the return of their Boston terrier Meep

A Morristown couple is offering a $6,000 reward for the safe return of their 1-year-old female Boston terrier Meep who went missing just after the ball dropped on New Year's Eve.

Having raised her since she was 8 weeks old, Meep's disappearance has devastated her owners Summer Sheldrick and Ryan Hitchcock who are looking for any information about Meep's whereabouts and want more than anything to have her home safely.

Meep also has special medical needs. When she was rescued, she was very sick, dealing with pneumonia for weeks and needing oxygen and a nebulizer every day. Today, she still needs nebulizer treatments. Additionally, she was recently diagnosed with a luxating patella causing her to need surgery and take daily medication.

Meep, a 1-year-old female Boston terrier from Morristown who has been missing since New Year's Day
Meep, a 1-year-old female Boston terrier from Morristown who has been missing since New Year's Day

On their website they said, "No questions asked. All we want is our baby girl Meep home with us."

Just after midnight on New Year's Eve Meep was let outside to go to the bathroom before heading to bed for the night when someone in the neighborhood set off fireworks that spooked her, causing her to run from her home on Budd Street into the darkness.

Since that moment they have been desperately searching for Meep, spending days searching on foot and posting flyers on street corners and in mailboxes around the area. They have even hired search dogs, drone rescue services, and dog rescue groups with no success.

Meep was last seen on Dorothy Drive in Morristown, the same place where tracker dogs abruptly lost her scent. There have been no sightings of Meep anywhere except for in a security camera footage from Dorothy Drive that was given to the couple in late January. Sheldrick told WDHA on Jan. 29 that these factors indicate that Meep was most likely picked up by someone on or near Dorothy Drive. She could be anywhere by now.

According to their website, Sheldrick, Hitchcock and their family are hoping that whoever has her is a kind person who took her in with the best intentions, not realizing that she has a loving family waiting for her to return home.

Meep, a 1-year-old female Boston terrier from Morristown who has been missing since New Year's Day
Meep, a 1-year-old female Boston terrier from Morristown who has been missing since New Year's Day

"Someone had to have seen something that night, dogs don't just disappear," said Sheldrick on her Facebook. "If you are afraid to come forward, you can drop her off to a nearby shelter or police department. You can even lie and say you found her recently on the street, and we will give you the reward with no questions asked."

If you are interested in helping find Meep, you can donate to the "Bring Meep Home" GoFundMe. The money from this fundraiser is being put toward search and rescue teams, flyers, ads, and the reward for Meep's return.

You can follow and share Meep's story on:

You can go to for more information or to submit an anonymous tip about Meep's location.

If you have Meep or know anything about where she might be you can call Sheldrick at 973-650-0635, Hitchcock at 201-400-4397, or Morristown Police at 973-538-2200. You can also drop her off at a veterinary clinic, animal shelter, local police station, or anywhere safe.

If you live in the area, keep an eye out for a loose Boston terrier. Some of her identifiable traits include:

  • Female Boston terrier

  • 18 pounds

  • The white strip on her head ends in a heart

  • The white on her shoulders/back ends in two points like a diamond

  • Her front leg is full white up to her elbow and her other front leg is white only halfway up

  • Due to her luxated patella she may appear to be limping

  • She is spayed and microchipped

"I write this with tears running down my face, and I can only hope that whoever you are, you are taking good care of my baby," said Sheldrick on her Facebook. "Meep requires a lot of care that I have been giving her for the past year, and I enjoy giving her a good life. You do not just get to take her from me, and I will simply not let that happen. I beg you please, she is not just a dog to me. She is my family... We will never give up! We will search for her every day until she is home."

This article originally appeared on Meep the Boston terrier still missing from Morristown
