More readers respond to Tennessee's 'worst hires.' Some think I'm the worst. | Adams

A recent survey of select literary contributors on Tennessee’s worst hires sparked more commentary from my readers. They just couldn't resist.

Mark writes: Athletic director Mike Hamilton was UT’s worst hire. Hands down.

My response: You are obviously basing that on his football coaching hires of Lane Kiffin and Derek Dooley. Kiffin stayed for only one year before bolting for Southern California, and Dooley had three consecutive losing seasons before he was fired.

However, as Tennessee AD’s go, Hamilton was superior to Phillip Fulmer and Dave Hart.

Hamilton hired Bruce Pearl as Tennessee’s basketball coach, and Pearl took the Vols to six consecutive NCAA Tournaments. Also, the Pratt Pavilion practice facility was built on Pearl’s watch, and that surely has helped recruiting. It shows how serious Tennessee is about basketball.

Most of all, Pearl revived fan interest in Tennessee basketball.

Ray writes: I was really surprised when I read the recent article about fans picks for the worst hires in UT athletics and that two people escaped the ire of the fan base. I would probably rate them this way:

1) Mike Hamilton

2) Lane Kiffin

3) Derek Dooley.

My response: None of your “worst hires” would make my top three. Jeremy Pruitt is in a class by himself. And Phillip Fulmer hired him, so they’re one-two on my list. No. 3 would be former athletic director Dave Hart, who decided that calling the “Lady Vols” something other than Lady Vols was a good idea.

He also hired Butch Jones, whose catchphrases made him a national punch line.

Shemp writes: Somehow I never remember ever seeing the “Conehead” remark before in regard to former Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt.

But I will keep it in mind though I hope we don’t ever need to talk about Phewtred - I mean, Conehead – again.

My response: When I returned from Pruitt’s introductory press conference, my wife greeted me with: “We’ve hired a Conehead.” A week later, a close friend had the same reaction.

That stuck with me.

Dennis writes: That Tennessee’s 2024 schedule has to be one of the most embarrassing fb schedules I have seen, and I am 67 years old. Lol.

My response: Nice to see that I’m attracting younger readers. As for UT’s accommodating schedule, Tennessee fans won’t be the least bit embarrassed if it leads to the College Football Playoff.

Jan writes: Love your wit.

My response: Thanks. Not all my readers concur with your assessment. Take Joe, for example.

Joe writes: Your articles about Kellie Harper did a good hatchet job in getting her fired. I, for one, with many others, are big fans of Kellie and are not at all happy with your worthless articles about her coaching.

Your question-and-answer articles are terrible. Before you question Kellie’s coaching, I hope you’ll examine clearly your own articles.

My response: Columnists don’t get coaches fired. Coaches get coaches fired.

I also disagree with your assessment of my “question-and-answer” columns. Thanks for adding a strong and concise opinion to them.

Gene writes: Stimulated by the 27 April column to think back on others, it would appear that you do not take negative criticism well.

In this case and others that I recall, your response is to attack the critic, indirectly perhaps, but nevertheless to attack, and more often the intelligence of the writer.  This, in my opinion at least, does not speak well for you.

Now of course, this being negative criticism, I am bracing for an attack.

ADAMS: Reader calls my column 'garbage.' But I don't view that as altogether negative | Adams

My response: What you regard as an “attack,” I consider to be an exchange of opinions – a meeting of the minds, so to speak. Some minds just happen to be smaller than others.

But I thrive on criticism - from intellectuals like yourself as well as utter dolts. Criticism helps you grow.

I’m up to about 7-foot-5 now.

John Adams is a senior columnist. He may be reached at 865-342-6284 or Follow him at:

This article originally appeared on Knoxville News Sentinel: More readers respond to Tennessee's 'worst hires.' Some say I'm worst.
