I'm obsessed with this easy-wring mop and you will be too — grab it on sale, today only

Like most people, I took a closer look at my home cleaning supplies back when the pandemic began. I had a vacuum, a broom, a little cleaning spray and...that was it. I didn't even own a functional mop — and that was a problem. After a bunch of research, I discovered the O-Cedar EasyWring Microfiber Spin Mop. I didn't have much of a reaction when it arrived — it's a mop after all — and then I actually used it. Um. I love this mop. I said it. It's amazing. It helps get my floors super clean and it's fun to use. My home is all the better for it. Now's a great time for you to get in on the action too: The O-Cedar EasyWring mop (with two extra heads) is currently on sale at Amazon for $46 (down from $65).

OK, but back to this mop. It's pretty different from your standard sponge mop. The O-Cedar has a super-absorbent microfiber head that easily cleans your floors. Its triangle-shaped head fits neatly into nooks and crannies, including corners.

Here's the cool part: The mop comes with a special bucket with a foot pedal to help you wring it out. Just dip your mop in the water, put it in the wringer and push down on the foot pedal a few times. Excess water flies out (into the bucket) and you're left with a moist — but not sopping — mop. That feature is so fun to use that my kids actually fight over who gets to help me mop.

O-Cedar mop and bucket
This might be the best mop ever. (Photo: Amazon) (Photo: Amazon)

The mop comes with refill heads that are easy to install. Just pop off the old head, wash it in your washing machine and snap on the new one. That's it! The set comes with two refills so you can cycle through two or more heads at a time. Each mop head lasts about three months.

My house has mostly hardwood flooring so the O-Cedar and I spend a ton of time together. I actually...like mopping now? I put on a podcast, tune out, go to work and just revel in the fact that my floors are getting spotless.

Apparently I'm not the only one obsessed with this mop: It has more than 67,000 five-star reviews. "For the first time ever, I enjoyed mopping the floors!" wrote one fan, who sounds like my cleaning soulmate, in the reviews. "This mop and bucket not only cleaned my floors, but it made the entire process easy (and dare I say fun?)." They added, "The swirly thing makes all the difference. It wrings out all of the excess water so it's easy to mop without using too much muscle, which I do not have."

Another happy customer wrote, "This mop system outperforms anything I've used in years."

A fellow five-star fan raved about its adjustable handle, writing, "I love how it adjusts to my height."

And there are plenty more reviews just like that. If your old mop just isn't cutting it, you seriously need to snatch up the O-Cedar. It'll completely change your mind about mopping.

If you have Amazon Prime, you’ll get free shipping, of course. Not yet a member? No problem. You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here. (And by the way, those without Prime still get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.)

The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.

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