Mom's 'Pandemic Achievements' Should Appear on Every Working Parent's Resume

BRB, adding this to our resume.

Woman at interview
Woman at interview

Hiring managers, take note.

Photo: iStock

The last year hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park for working moms—but how can we possibly put it into words for prospective employers? Luckily, one mom has just the trick.

Megan Drye Harper, the head of growth at Tinybeans, a web-based technology platform, took to social media with a clever resume hack. When a woman in one of the tech mom Facebook groups she’s a part of asked if she should tell prospective employers that she’s a mom, Megan gave the best response.

In an impactful one-line addition to her resume, she tells hiring managers: “I achieved all of this while homeschooling a kindergartener, keeping a 3 year old entertained and nursing a baby between Zoom calls in my NYC apartment. Now, as we head back into a normal existence with childcare, imagine what I can do for your company in 2021.” Mic drop!

While one sentence doesn’t encapsulate the entirety of the trials and tribulations working moms have endured, it’s a start. Since the pandemic began, working moms have shouldered twice the amount of chores, all while working full-time and managing distance learning. (That is, for the moms who have stayed in the workforce.)

Whether you scaled back, or you had no choice but to keep working, every mom needs to add Megan’s line to her resume. Because ultimately, the sheer accomplishment of making it through the last year with kids and a job should be enough to impress any hiring manager.

Working moms are the ultimate employees, and the pandemic simply proves it. Hiring managers, if you’re reading this, take note. If we’ve survived this last year, just think of what we can do with all of our normal support systems in place.
