Moment sex offender posing as ‘model scout’ to target young girls gets caught on own webcam

A serial sex offender who posed as a model scout for major clothing companies to talk to young children was caught after accidentally filming himself while online.

David Harmes, 27, used a number of guises to draw his victims in, including a scout called Jess, a boy called Jaden or Alex or Jadenthelad to name a few.

Over a period of six months, he targeted nearly 50 children aged between six and 15, with all but one being female. Hermes, of Winsford, Chester, would make contact with his victims after spotting them on YouTube or Instagram and would hide his true identity.

David Harmes was caught on camera while pretending to be a model scout called Jess (Cheshire Constabulary)
David Harmes was caught on camera while pretending to be a model scout called Jess (Cheshire Constabulary)

He had only been released from his sentence for similar crimes in February 2019, but began re-offending in July. In 2016, he was jailed for coercing young girls into performing sex acts by pretending to be public figures such as Zoe Sugg, a member of the boy band Bars and Melody.

Investigating officer DS Mark Naylor from the Constabulary’s Major Crime Directorate said: “Having received intelligence that Harmes was offending, his laptops, phones and other digital devices were seized in a warrant at his address, and Harmes was returned to prison for breaching his Sex Offender Notification Order on 8 February 2020 preventing him from committing further crimes.”

Detectives began piecing together evidence of his reoffending after linking him to distinctive bedding in the images they found on his devices. He was also caught accidentally opening his laptop and filming his face for a few seconds while he was pretending to be a model scout.

Liaising with USA authorities, Hermes was eventually charged and pleaded guilty to 88 sex offences against 39 victims in the UK and six in the USA.

The charges include possessing, making and distributing indecent images, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, sexual communication with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

Harmes pleaded guilty to 88 sex offences against children in the UK and the USA (Cheshire Constabulary)
Harmes pleaded guilty to 88 sex offences against children in the UK and the USA (Cheshire Constabulary)

He has been remanded into custody and is due to appear for sentencing at Chester Crown Court on July 24.

Detective Superintendent Simon Draco said: “This has been a complex and meticulous investigation with international based victims that has resulted in the conviction of Harmes and will bring justice for the victims of his offending.

“Cheshire Constabulary has an investigation team dedicated to targeting those who sexually abuse and offend against children online and teams across the force work with partners to educate children, parents and carers about online predators, to safeguard children from potential harm.

“We’re really keen to drum home the message that parents and carers need to know what their children are doing online in order to protect them from predators like Harmes. We all know that we need to teach children not to speak to strangers in the street, but we need to drive home that very same message for the online world too, to prevent people like Harmes taking advantage.”
