Mitch Albom: What is too old? A state of mind, or a state of criticism?

Most of us were told, at some point in our lives, that we were too young. Too young to play with an older sibling. Too young to get into a certain movie. Too young for a particular job.

I remember once, in my 30s, when trying to convince a publisher to take on a book about a dying professor, being told “You’re too young to know what a memoir is. Why don’t you come back in 20 years?”

It stings, being told something like that. But with youth on your side, you soothe the pain by knowing you have years to prove the doubters wrong.

It’s the opposite when they say you’re too old. That’s like being led to an abyss. And there was a tsunami pushing President Joe Biden toward that brink last week.

It was spurred by a special counsel’s report on Biden’s handling of classified documents. The counsel, Robert Hur, declined to press charges against the president, but rationalized it by saying he likely couldn’t get a conviction from a jury because Biden would be seen as a “well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” who had “diminished capacities.”

President Joe Biden speaks to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference at Lansdowne Resort, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 In Leesburg, Va.
President Joe Biden speaks to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference at Lansdowne Resort, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 In Leesburg, Va.

That was about the worse assessment Biden could get. The 81-year-old president exacerbated the situation by calling a hastily assembled news conference that night. It lasted 13 minutes and saw Biden snapping at reporters who were shouting questions about him stepping down.

After insisting there was nothing wrong with his memory, and that he was the best person to lead this country for the next four years, he then stepped in it again by confusing Mexico with Egypt.

His age, memory and competency have been in furious debate ever since.

Finding pity for the president

Now, Biden cannot deny that he has made concessions to age. The way he walks. The way he loses focus. His memory mixups, which recently saw him referencing two world leaders, Francois Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl, as if they were still around, when in fact both are dead.

There are legitimate questions as to whether Biden is fit for another year of the hardest job in the world, let alone four years after that.

But let’s step back for a moment. There is something unseemly, even borderline nasty, in screaming at an elder leader that he is too feeble to continue.

I am not a fan of many of Biden’s policies, but I admit feeling sorry for him on Thursday night, with reporters shouting, his eyes squinting, his demeanor alternately confused and angry, insisting that he did indeed know the date of his son Beau’s death, contrary to the prosecutor’s claims, but didn’t say so during his testimony because “it wasn't any of their damn business.”

It reminds you of the way an old lion is forced out of the pride by younger, stronger challengers. It is the tipping point of obscurity, and the inevitable turn toward death.

Most people can, or one day will, relate

There was plenty weird about that special counsel’s report. On the one hand, he found that Biden had indeed “willfully” taken classified documents, stored them in a dangerously accessible place and spoke about them with at least one person, the ghost writer on his books.

On the other hand, Hur said he couldn’t prove all this beyond a reasonable doubt and didn’t like his chances in front of a jury because Biden would be a "sympathetic," if doddering, witness, whom they would likely feel sorry for.

He also went into how many times, in two days worth of interviewing, that Biden couldn’t remember this detail or that detail from his life, including when he left office as vice president.

You understand why Biden’s supporters are screaming that anything beyond “not going to charge him” is inappropriate.

And you understand why Donald Trump supporters are screaming “Wait a minute! If Biden took documents, stored them badly and spoke about them, how on earth is he NOT being charged when our guy is facing felony charges on the same issue?”

U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Robert Hur delivers remarks during Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's farewell ceremony at the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building May 9, 2019 in Washington, DC.
U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Robert Hur delivers remarks during Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's farewell ceremony at the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building May 9, 2019 in Washington, DC.

These are legitimate questions. But it is telling that the document debate seems buried beneath the back and forth on Biden’s diminishment. To me, that indicates that most Americans really don’t care about documents. They can’t relate.

But they can surely relate to age — how old is too old, and when is the right time to step in for an older loved one’s sake?

So many times last week I heard TV hosts or radio callers speak of “my elderly mother’ or “my aging grandfather” when discussing Biden. They likened the forgetfulness, tripping, irritability and memory loss they witnessed at home to what is happening with the president.

The difference is, in their cases, it’s a private matter. With Biden, it’s happening in front of the world.

How do you know it's time to sit down?

This, by the way, is not unique. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to convince the nation he could be president despite the wheelchair that polio had landed him in. He served admirably for three terms, but by 1944, many insiders suggested he should not run for a fourth, given his age and health. He ran anyhow and won.

He died of a cerebral hemorrhage just months later.

Back in 1919, Woodrow Wilson, then 60 years old, insisted on taking a cross-country train trip to promote his League of Nations. Doctors warned against it, but Wilson said, “I cannot put my personal safety, my health, in the balance against my duty — I must go.”

He collapsed on that train. A month later he had a stroke. His wife, Edith, and several close aides, covered up for him during the last 17 months of his presidency, shielding him from the public. Reportedly, he couldn’t even write his name.

And of course, Wilson still wanted to run again. His party nixed the idea.

He died three years after leaving office.

MITCH FROM LAST YEAR: Criticizing the old isn't cute, it's an insulting — and growing — trend

So there is nothing new about presidents battling age, defying it, denying it, or even having their family and closest advisers shielding their decay from the public.

The question now is what do we do about it? There is no easy answer. The Republican alternative to Biden is Trump, who is already 77 and exhibits his own form of rambling, along with several notable memory and identity mistakes (confusing Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi, suggesting we are on the brink of World War II, etc.)

Biden’s supporters suggest he is vigorous and sharp. But in a nation where we assume all politicians are lying, who believes that? The fact that Biden almost never does news conferences, that he is skipping even the softball Super Bowl interview, that he takes a great deal of weekend breaks and is quickly hurried along before he can engage in any free-form questions and answers speaks louder than his handlers’ insistence that he is fit as a fiddle.

On the other hand, does confusing names and dates mean you can’t make important policy decisions? Is there still value in the wisdom of experience — even if the body is slowly giving in?

I can’t claim to have the answer on this. But I do know there are ways to debate a man’s effectiveness without screaming for him to go away, making fun of his lapses, or mocking the biological slippage that awaits us all. Remember how you felt when they said you were too young? You took solace in the future. But when the world says you are too old, your future is the problem. And that’s sad.

Emerson once reminded us, “the best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.” Perhaps we can learn to criticize the melody while still respecting the instrument.

Contact Mitch Albom: Check out the latest updates with his charities, books and events at Follow him @mitchalbom.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Mitch Albom: What is too old? A state of mind, or a state of criticism?
