New Missouri Supreme Court judge marks a first. A Star editorial didn’t celebrate that | Opinion

Facebook/Governor Mike Parson

Broniec’s first

After reading The Star’s Sept. 14 editorial about the appointment of Judge Kelly Broniec to the Missouri Supreme Court (12A, “Can’t disagree with Gov. Parson on bias at court”), I wish members of the board would read the commentary from Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz on the facing page of the Opinion section that day. (13A, “This Rosh Hashana, let’s commit to repairing society”)

I learned of the appointment of Judge Broniec on KCTV-5. Newscasters celebrated her appointment and noted with pride that this is the first time the court has a majority of women. The Star’s Kacen Bayless wrote a great story about her appointment, and the editorial could have reinforced this message. (Sept. 14, 4A, “Kelly C. Broniec nominated for Missouri Supreme Court judge”)

The editorial did not mention this historic first for women but did say, “Judge Broniec, we’ll all be watching.” Its tone did very little to repair society. In the spirit of Rosh Hashana, why couldn’t Kelly Broniec be congratulated on this historic appointment?

- Clark Israel, Pleasant Valley

For all of us

Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz’s commentary in the Sept. 14 Star was beautifully written and thoughtful. My hope is that we will all follow his call to reflect inwardly but also take responsibility for behaving kindly toward others, even those with whom we have differences.

We are in this together, and though as a community, a nation and worldwide, our troubles are many, it is only through our day-to-day individual efforts that life for all will be enhanced. Let’s start today.

- Charles Stiles, Overland Park

Life and death

In an attempt to instill pride and promote team unity, the University of Missouri football program has adopted the name “Death Row Defense.” (Aug. 30,, “How Missouri Tigers came up with ‘Death Row Defense’ nickname: ‘Whole room went nuts’”)

Currently, 13 inmates are on Missouri’s real-life death row. For those awaiting execution and their loved ones, this is no game.

- Ann Bode Rodriguez, Kansas City

Time to shine?

Donald Trump has had more than three years to get proof of his claims that the election for president in 2020 was stolen. He (and a lot of others) keep saying they have the evidence, but no one has shown any.

Because it will be televised, his Georgia trial over his alleged interference in the counting of the vote is the perfect venue for him to show the world the election was stolen. I would think he would be champing at the bit to get started.

I am confused as to why he wants to delay that opportunity.

- Roger Lee Moore, St. Joseph

Money, mouth

With the Sept. 30 deadline for passing legislation to prevent a government shutdown looming, there is reporting about a potential motion to vacate the chair of the speaker of the House, reflecting the discord among legislators. Sens. Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver need to press their colleagues to continue funding at last year’s levels while the new budget is finalized to keep a shutdown from further disrupting the passage of a budget.

The U.N. General Assembly convening in conjunction with the U.N. World Day of Peace on Sept. 21 is a reminder of the worldwide conflict that brought it into being. Humanity has innumerable global examples of what happens when people choose conflict over compromise. Congress should not become another chapter in that story.

A good first step would be to ensure that funding for peacebuilding for violence interrupters nationally, as well as atrocity prevention, reconciliation programs and complex crises funding internationally, are budgeted at or above last year’s levels. That this collective funding amounts to less than $100 million, compared with an overall budget of hundreds of billions, is indicative of the lack priority for governing for peace instead of conflict.

- Steve Kellogg, Independence
