Mini Schnauzer’s Dad Teaches Him ‘On Your Mark, Get Set, Go” and It’s Too Cute

CC Lunja/Shutterstock

Teaching a dog how to do tricks is a lot of fun for pet owners, especially tricks that allow them to burn off the boundless amount of energy so many dogs seem to have! Finnegan is an adorable mini-Schnauzer whose dad has taught him a fun trick. Dad taught him 'On your mark, get set, go' and he doesn't run until dad says the right word!

Finnegan has known this trick for years, and people on TikTok can't get enough of watching him. Dad shared this video on May 15th, and I've watched it several times. Dad drags each word out while Finnegan waits patiently for 'go'. It's the cutest thing you'll see today!

Now I want to teach my dog how to do this, but I don't think that she'd stop running! Finnegan was so excited but waited patiently for 'go'. Commenters left more than 300 comments about the mini-Schnauzer, especially about how adorable he is and how cute his little rain jacket is. @Indigo Sky pointed out what many others noticed too, "I think get set with his little foot going back is my favorite part." This is just one of many videos of Finnegan waiting for go. Commenters asked if he said 'goat' or spelled go if Finnegan would still go, and believe it or not, he doesn't...go is the only magic word!

Related: Mini Schnauzer Sweetly Walks to His Human Sister’s House Every Day — Rain or Shine

Facts About Schnauzers

Though I've been writing about pets for a couple of years now, this is only the second time I've written about Schnauzers. I don't know if that's because they aren't one of the most popular dog breeds out there or if I just don't come across videos of them. Either way, they do have their fans.

While Finnegan is a mini schnauzer, there are also standard and giant Schnauzers as well. Another Pet Helpful article shares the size differences between the three, "The miniature schnauzer stands about 12 to 14 inches tall and weighs between 13 and 15 pounds. According to AKC standards, the standard schnauzer should stand between 17.5 and 19.5 inches tall and weigh between 35 and 45 pounds. The giant schnauzer should stand 23.5 to 27.5 inches tall and weigh anywhere between 65 and 90 pounds."

Standard colors for the majority of schnauzers are either black or salt and pepper, and miniature schnauzers also come in black and silver. Their coats are hard and wiry, and their double coat needs to be hand-stripped at least twice a year. They shed minimally, so you don't have to worry about finding hair on your furniture and clothing. They also only need to be brushed a couple of times a week. And their beards and eyebrows make them look like little old men!

The American Kennel Club describes mini-Schnauzers as, "bright, friendly, trainable companion, small enough to adapt to apartment life but tireless enough to patrol acres of farmland. They get along well with other animals and kids. Minis are sturdy little guys and enjoy vigorous play. Home and family oriented, they make great watchdogs." They get along well with children and are not aggressive towards other dogs. And while Schnauzers were bred to be guard dogs, minis make better watch dogs since as with most small dog breeds, they tend to bark a lot, especially at strangers.

If you're considering bringing a Schnauzer home, make sure to do your research to learn all about the pros and cons of the breed to determine if this breed is a good fit for your family and lifestyle.

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