A Million Little Things: Does Katherine and Greta's Wedding Day Signal the Beginning of the End for [Spoiler]?

Something borrowed, something blue, something old, someone in the ICU?

This week’s A Million Little Things celebrates Greta and Katherine’s wedding, which also marks the rekindling of Eddie and Delilah’s romance and what might be the beginning of the end for Stage IV cancer patient Gary.

Read on for the highs and the lows of “Ironic.”

IT’S LIKE RAIN ON YOUR WEDDING DAY | The impending nuptials are set to take place on a boat, a nod to Greta’s childhood adoration of Love Boat. But when a torrential downpour kicks up, the Coast Guard won’t let the ship leave the dock, and it looks like the brides will have to postpone. Delilah saves the day, though, by recruiting the rest of the friend group to pull the event together at a nearby, very gross, nautically themed dive bar.

As everyone works to salvage the day, we learn that it’s official: Delilah is staying in Boston. As she’s telling Maggie that she and Eddie are determined to make co-parenting work, Maggie wonders if maybe there’s more to explore — romantically — between the former lovers. “Ever since you got back, whenever I see you and Eddie together, it just makes sense,” she says. (Both women are unaware that Eddie has just entered the bar and is privy to their conversation.) But Delilah says she wouldn’t want to do anything to upset the new, good place they’ve found. And she points out that Eddie has moved on “and so have I.”

GARY GIVES HIS BLESSING | Eventually, the ceremony finally begins. Carter officiates. Katherine walks down the aisle on her mother’s arm to Tuck & Patti’s “Takes My Breath Away” sung by Maggie, who is accompanied by Eddie on guitar. And thanks to Charlie getting paint all over Greta’s wedding attire — and Katherine’s mom’s quick thinking when Eddie reached out — Greta is waiting for her at the altar wearing Katherine’s father’s suit from his own wedding. The brides exchange vows they wrote themselves and then kiss before Carter tells them to, to great applause.


At the reception afterward, Charlie plays with Eddie’s phone and inadvertently plays Jon’s final voicemail to Eddie — of which Gary was unaware. Gary angrily confronts his friend on the dance floor and Eddie hustles him into a back room, where Gary yells at Eddie for keeping the secret. “He knew that you loved D,” Gary says, adding that he’s of the opinion that Eddie still loves her; Eddie shoots back that it’s “very complicated.” Gary isn’t hearing it. “The only person keeping the two of you together now is you,” he says. He begs Eddie to go for it, then has a coughing fit that leaves blood on his hand.

Eddie, alarmed, immediately says they’re going to the hospital. But Gary refuses, saying he doesn’t want to ruin Katherine’s wedding. And after he washes up and pulls himself together, he’s fine enough to return to the party and give the toast. “At the end of the day, we’ve got to remember what’s most important, and that is that we love each other,” he says near the end of his speech. “I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you guys.”

AN ALARMING DEVELOPMENT | Afterward, Delilah drives Eddie home and he admits that he is not over her. Before he can say more, she kisses him. On a less happy note, Gary tells Maggie about coughing up blood earlier in the evening, and they drive directly from the wedding to the hospital.

Now it’s your turn. I know you have thoughts and feelings about Eddie/Delilah and Gary, so hit the comments and share them with all of us!

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