Midwife mum 'passing baton' to trainee daughter

A midwife has said she is "passing the baton" to her daughter who is training to take on the same career at the same hospital trust.

Sinead Hall and her mother Vanessa Hall, both work in the maternity department at New Cross Hospital, part of the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (RWT).

Vanessa, 54, from Heath Hayes, completed her midwifery degree in 2000 and her daughter is currently a maternity support worker.

"Mum and I are similar people", the 19-year-old from Cannock, said. "We both love helping others and I can’t imagine us working anywhere other than in healthcare."

'Pearls of wisdom'

She started her role in June 2023 and has since completed her care certificate and other key midwifery competencies and is aiming to finish her apprenticeship in 2025.

"Whether it’s a complex case or a fast-paced labour, there’s so much variety and I’m always learning," she said.

"Most days it’s about attending to the needs of mums and their babies – whether it's giving a bed bath or helping them to get dressed."

She said her mother had "lots of pearls of wisdom" she could offer and inspired her every day.

"When your colleague is your mum, it's so nice, because you know you’ve always got each other’s back," she added.

Senior midwife Vanessa said she had delivered hundreds of babies and seen a huge increase in the number of patients, with delivery rates nearly doubling.

"I absolutely love my job – my favourite part is spending time with women in labour and being that listening ear," added Vanessa.

"It’s such a special moment and I always feel honoured to be part of it. I’m also lucky to have an amazing team.

"As I’m nearer the end of my career, it’s like passing the baton, as she’s at the start."

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