Michael Stading, candidate for NC Court of Appeals seat 11

Name: Michael J. Stading

Political party: Republican

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 41

Campaign website: www.judgestading.com

Occupation: Judge

Education: UNC Chapel Hill, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Campbell Law School, Juris Doctorate. Judge Advocate General’s School, Judge Advocate Staff Officer Course. Air University, Squadron Officer School

Have you run for elected office before? District Court Judge, 2018

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Lead domestic violence court judge, truancy court judge, STEP drug treatment court judge, Mecklenburg County Bar Professionalism Committee member, American Legion Post 555 Judge Advocate (legal advisor), baseball coach and former pro bono legal counsel for Mint Hill Athletic Association, member of Kiwanis, Mint Hill Historical Society, Mecklenburg Chapter of Sons of the American Revolution, and worship coordinator at Christ Covenant Church.

What reforms, if any, do you think could make the criminal justice system more fair?

As a sitting District Court judge often presiding in criminal court, Board Certified criminal law specialist, former prosecutor and defense attorney, I have very direct and relevant experience with the criminal justice system. Regardless of ability to pay, the accused should have improved access to quality and capable legal representation as required by our Constitution. Reforms for victims of crimes, especially crimes of violence, deserve a stronger voice and to be better informed about cases.

Are the state’s courts accessible enough to average North Carolinians? If not, what are some improvements you will advocate for, if elected?

As a judge often presiding over domestic violence, family, and criminal cases, it is clear there are instances when average citizens do not know where to begin to seek help. There are deficiencies in understanding and accessing the courts due to fear, cultural, educational, economic or language barriers. To address these concerns locally, a robust Self-Serve Center in my local courthouse has helped litigants. Providing this service throughout our state could eliminate many barriers to access.

Tell us about a specific event in your legal career of which you are most proud.

I am most proud of having the privilege to use my legal career in service to the country in the United States Air Force as an assistant staff judge advocate. Additionally, I am honored to serve as a District Court judge and preside over the same types of cases that are reviewed by the appellate courts. Having worked in these two roles has provided critical and necessary experience for serving the citizens of North Carolina on the Court of Appeals.
