Michael Moore sees signs that Trump is closing the gap in Michigan, advises Biden to switch gears

Oscar-winning director Michael Moore sees Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump shrinking in the Wolverine State and it’s making him ‘Sicko’.

The liberal movie maker born in Flint, Michigan told The Hill’s broadcast “Rising” that seeing Biden’s lead cut in half since June should worry the Democratic candidate, even though he still has a healthy 8 point lead in polls.

“The fact that Trump has narrowed the lead by 50 percent since June should have everybody screaming bloody murder,” said Moore, who correctly predicted a Trump win in 2016.

While Moore is correct that Biden’s lead has gotten smaller, he may be taking creative liberties by saying Trump “narrowed” the lead.

The Detroit Free Press, whose polling Moore referenced, noted Thursday that indeed Biden led Trump by 16% in June, 11% in July and only 8% now. However, Trump’s support remains at 40%, where it was in July, while Michigan’s number of undecided and third-party voters is up.

Moore claimed those undecided voters aren’t trying to choose between Trump and Biden. He thinks they’re debating between supporting Biden or staying home on Nov. 3. The “Roger and Me” director wants to see Biden’s team hitting the streets to win them over.

“Start right with a ground game," Moore recommended. “It’s actually worse than Hillary’s,”

Moore lamented that in his native state, he sees Trump signs and banners everywhere. He said that isn’t the case with Biden, not was it with Clinton, who lost Michigan to Trump by less than 1%.

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According to Moore, a Clinton insider told him the reason their campaign didn’t bombard the usually Democratic state with yard signs because they worried that seeing them would energize Trump supporters. He’s concerned that Biden’s campaign lacks visibility too.

“I’ve had in the last two days, three different calls from Democratic Party people in rural areas in Michigan — they can’t get yard signs," the 66-year-old director said, claiming he’s been getting calls asking if he knew anyone who had signs. “I said ‘I can’t believe this is happening again.’”

Moore also suggested Biden himself, who was in Michigan last week, should try and be more visible in Michigan. He acknowledged Biden’s recent visit, but said it wasn’t very well hyped, nor did it focus on African-American voters, who will be crucial to Biden in November. Moore hopes his concerns about a Trump comeback don’t come to fruition.

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“I want to be wrong!” he said. “I know people have problems with Biden, I have problems... it’s ok. We can deal with the problems later.”

Even if Democrats keep the House of Representatives and take the Senate, Moore said it’d be a disservice to up-and-coming liberals members of Congress if Trump remained president while they’re trying to pass legislation.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll published Friday showed Biden leading Trump by 10 points nationally head-to-head, but indicates the former vice president’s numbers dip slightly when third party candidates are figured into the mix. It also showed voters prefer Biden to Trump when it comes to crime, race and the pandemic, but despite the recession, believe the former real estate developer is stronger on the economy.
