Meghan Markle Delivered a Beautiful, Moving Speech Last Night Ahead of Near-Devastating Car Chase

Last night, Meghan Markle, 41, made a special appearance at the 2023 Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Awards alongside husband Prince Harry, 38, and mom Doria Ragland, 66. Although she wore an eye-catching gold dress, it was her heartfelt speech that really caught our attention.

During the ceremony, the Duchess of Sussex received an award that was presented by feminist activist Gloria Steinem, who is a dear friend of the royal and co-founder of the Ms. Foundation. This prompted Markle to give a thoughtful speech where she praised diversity and feminism.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

“Thank you so much for such a warm welcome and for your unparalleled leadership that has brought all of us here tonight,” she said. “And to my friend Gloria for the inspiration that you are, for your mentorship, sage advice, your extraordinarily cheeky sense of humour and, of course, for your incredible friendship, thank you.”

She continued, “To this evening’s other honorees, congratulations and frankly, well deserved. Thank you for the important and meaningful work that you do. While I was familiar with most of your work before tonight, nothing could compare to the focus, the determination, the energy I feel from each of you, especially as we all bear witness to you standing in the elegance and the power of your strength.”

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Markle concluded her speech with a personal story about how the Ms. Foundation impacted her childhood, adding, “It’s funny, because as a young girl I would come home, I would settle in after a day of school, pull up my TV tray dinner, and I would turn on my evening ritual, Jeopardy! And I would glance at the coffee table, where I would see an array of things. It could be the cat’s collar, my homework, some mail that had just been brought in, and some magazines.”

She added, “The magazines said Ms on them. And I remember them vividly because the pictures were different. There was a diversity that I hadn't seen as often, both of color and of age, and the names were different.”

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

While this speech (and maybe that dress) should’ve been all we talked about this morning with regards to Markle, that unfortunately wasn’t the case. According to CNN, Markle, her mom and Prince Harry were involved in a “near catastrophic car chase” involving paparazzi while leaving the event. Thankfully, no one was injured, but the story has been trending all day and we’re still following along for any further developments.

What a night.

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