Meet the Hartford School Board candidates running in the February primary

Students of Lincoln Elementary School in Hartford leave for recess in a 2007 file photo.
Students of Lincoln Elementary School in Hartford leave for recess in a 2007 file photo.

Five candidates are running for two seats on the the Hartford Joint 1 School Board in Washington County, meaning there will be a primary election Feb. 20.

The school district does not include Hartford Union High School but has three other schools in Hartford: Lincoln Elementary, Rossman Elementary and Central Middle.

Only one incumbent, board vice president Ed Behnke, is in the race for the two seats. There are four other candidates: Ian Gronbeck, Tristan Johannes, Barbara Lindert and Terrence Perfect. After the Feb. 20 primary, the top four vote-getters districtwide will go on to the general election April 2.

Greg Erickson, current board president, is not running for re-election. The other three current board members, who hold staggered three-year terms, are not up for election this spring.

Here are the candidates' responses to questions from the Journal Sentinel. Behnke was the only candidate who did not provide answers to the Journal Sentinel. Behnke did fill out a questionnaire from the school district, available on the district website.

Answers below have been edited only for style.

Ian Gronbeck

Ian Gronbeck is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.
Ian Gronbeck is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.

Age: 39

Past political experience: None

Community involvement:

I have attended almost all of both Hartford Joint 1 (HJT1) and Hartford Union High School (HUHS) board meetings for the last 1.5 years. I currently serve on the three active citizen advisory committees. The first is is regarding the HUHS facilities; this committee was a school board (BOE) decision and is focused on making recommendations to the BOE and what changes need to happen with the HUHS facilities, including the athletic fields and buildings, along with some intellectual changes.

The second is also a HUHS citizen advisory committee regarding the Human Growth and Development curriculum; this committee is required per the policy and is supposed to review the current curriculum and make recommendations to the BOE of any needed additions to update the curriculum or to update outdated curriculum. The third committee is for the HJT1 district where the school board asked that a current policy be reviewed and updated.

I also served on the HUHS curriculum, teaching and learning committee, also known as the teaching and learning council. This committee was turned into a council by the BOE because as a requirement for a committee, two BOE members had to be present. This could be done by the BOE and they deemed it as a council. In this council we first reviewed the policy of Grading and Reporting and Course Guide Considerations. Without coming to any conclusions about grading and reporting, this council was then asked to review policy 2521 and 2522 and ultimately make recommendations to the board about these policies. This council never got passed reviewing the documents before the summer break. During our summer break the admin heading up that council, resigned from the district. But just before he did he and another admin individual, made their own recommendations to the board. The council had no input into their recommendations.

Occupation: Electrician for 20 plus years, the last three years as department manager at an electrical firm.

Contact info:

What is your top priority for the school district if elected?

To ensure the best learning environment for the student. The environment that is needed for the students starts with the educators and staff. If they see an uncertain future or they don't feel as valuable as they truly are, the student learning environment will be affected.

What is your position on book removals or restrictions?

My position is to follow the policy that HUHS and HJT1 districts have adopted from Neola and make updates to policy as needed. The updates should only happen through the policy review process that already exists.

Tristan Johannes

Tristan Johannes is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.
Tristan Johannes is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.

Age: 36

Past political experience: Chief of staff for 59th District Assembly representative for two years; campaign manager for gubernatorial candidate; student government senator (WCTC)

Community involvement: Held multiple charitable events for Hartford veterans to renovate Sawyer Park; started Non Profit Project WATCH (Wisconsin Always Takes Care of its Heroes) and was president for four years before the organization dissolved; held multiple charity events for vets, fire fighters, police officers and EMT; held "Balloon Pop" event downtown Hartford to raise funds for local Boys and Girls Club; held multiple rallies and events for local cancer patients through family business back home in the Wautoma Area.

Occupation: General manager at Bankshot Sports Bar; freelance website and social media creator; freelance electronics and computer repairs

Contact info: 715-513-0516;

What is your top priority for the school district if elected?

Maintain integrity of the board, and both represent and address concerns from the parents of students.

What is your position on book removals or restrictions?

Sexual activity or content and innuendo has no place in grade schools. Clarity of historical lessons without bias.

Barbara Lindert

Barbara Lindert is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.
Barbara Lindert is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.

Age: 68

Past political experience: Past member of the Hartford Joint 1 School Board

Community involvement: Member of Citizens Action Network

Occupation: Semi-retired; working as a vendor for Anderson Merchandisers

Contact info: Declined

What is your top priority for the school district if elected?

Central School is the lowest academic achieving feeder to the Hartford Union High School district. We need to change that.

What is your position on book removals or restrictions?

No comment at this time.

Terrence Perfect

Terrence Perfect is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.
Terrence Perfect is a candidate in the primary election for the Hartford Joint 1 School Board.

Age: 51

Past political experience: Non-political experience, and to me the school board shouldn't be a political playground.

Community involvement: I am constantly involved trying to get sports back in our schools, ensuring that the board meetings are recorded. If it weren't for my tough stance we wouldn't have recordings and sports wouldn't be coming back.

Occupation: Retired from the mortgage business, and I am a full-time student to become a history teacher.

Contact info: 414-940-7373;

What is your top priority for the school district if elected?

Top priority is to work with the superintendent to focus on the different ways we can improve the Department of Public Instruction test scores and improve the overall pride in our students. As a Marine, I will face these issues head on and will not back down. Kids need to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, history and science. Period.

What is your position on book removals or restrictions?

To me this is a media talking point and has become political. Do I agree with all books being banned around Wisconsin? No. Do I agree with some of them being banned? Yes. My job on the school board will be to ensure our children — and I still have a child in the system — have all opportunities to be successful and protect them from outside influence.

Residents of the Hartford Joint 1 School District can vote in the primary election Feb. 20.

Contact Rory Linnane at Follow her on Twitter at @RoryLinnane.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Meet the Hartford School Board candidates running in February primary
