Meet the candidates for NC House District 110

The following people are running for N.C. House District 110, which includes Gaston County. The Gazette sent them a series of questions in an effort to keep voters informed. Here are their answers:

Name: Esther Scott

Age: 56

Party affiliation: Republican

Esther Scott
Esther Scott
  1. What will your priorities be if you are elected?

Wage inequality, infrastructure and education

2. What qualifications or qualities do you bring to the position?

Strong constitutionalist. My stances on topics on issues emerge from the Rule of Law through the US and NC constitutions and related Amendments, including the Bill of Rights.

3. Why did you decide to run for election?

I believe all people should be represented in our government and, at this time, women are woefully under-represented. The tipping point was watching many of our politicians cave to a follow-the-crowd mentality instead of being Statesmen, representing the Rule of Law and the people.

4. Have you held elected office in the past, and if so, when and what office?

Gaston County Soil and Water Conservation District Board Chairperson from 2019-2022.

5. What do you do for a living?

Tax preparer

6. What action, if any, would you take to improve the economy of Gaston County?

Work on increasing jobs and wages while reducing the commute or making the commute safer with better roads and wi-fi.

7. What is the biggest issue you feel Gaston County is facing right now?

Wage inequality needs to be addressed to increase the buying power of the hardworking individuals of Gaston and Cleveland County. (House District 110 represents both counties)

Name: Kelly E. Hastings

Age: 62

Party: Republican

Kelly Hastings
Kelly Hastings
  1. What will your priorities be if you are elected?

I am running to continue to fight against crime and illegal immigration/migration, against higher insurance rates, against higher property taxes, against harmful inflation, against men trying to compete in women’s sports and against other actions that harm the people of the United States and North Carolina. I support school choice, student learning, economic and energy security, peace through strength via a strong National Guard, election integrity, lower utility rates, balanced budgets, spending that is fiscally conservative, Congressional term limits, Second Amendment rights, life, broadband and infrastructure improvements, and other common-sense principles.

2. What qualifications or qualities do you bring to the position?

I respect the fact that trustworthiness is an important quality for anyone seeking public office. People might not always like what I say, but I think most trust me.

3. Why did you decide to run for election?

I am running for office to continue a legacy of trustworthiness and to be a servant leader.

4. Have you held elected office in the past, and if so, when and what office?

I currently serve in the North Carolina House of Representatives, representing large parts of Cleveland and Gaston counties.

5. What do you do for a living?

I am a Realtor and investor.

6. What action, if any, would you take to improve the economy of Gaston County?

One of the most prominent issues in the district I represent is economic security. I voted to cut taxes by billions of dollars, I voted for regulatory and tort reform, and we conservatives led on many other prominent issues such as transportation prioritization, student learning at all levels of education, capital investments, and other important issues that help attract and maintain great careers.

7. What is the biggest issue you feel Gaston County is facing right now?

Public health and safety are top concerns, and I support all of our first responders and others who serve and protect us. This includes National Guard and military members, law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMS and communications personnel, and all other personnel at the local, state, and federal levels who put their lives on the line to honorably serve and protect us. I do not support defunding law enforcement proposals that many on the left are supporting.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: Meet the candidates for NC House District 110
