Mayans MC Suffers a Big Loss (While Mourning Another) in Episode 8

The body count is only getting higher as Mayans MC approaches its end — and Wednesday’s episode added a particularly crushing tally mark.

During Episode 8 — Mayans‘ third-to-last installment ever — Hope’s relentlessly tragic arc came to an abrupt end when she threw herself in front of highway traffic and was hit by a semi truck. In front of poor Leti!

Just a few scenes prior, Leti had managed to sneak into the Sons of Anarchy outpost where Hope was being held and rescued her from Isaac’s captivity. But not long into their getaway car ride away from the Sons, Hope insisted that Isaac would continue to find her and Leti no matter where they hid, and she begged Leti to pull over.

“Thank you for giving me a home. For being my best friend,” Hope told a freaked-out Leti after they got out of the car. “These last months have been the best of my life, and I won’t ever let that get ruined. He’s gonna keep coming. He’s gonna keep coming for me. And he’ll hurt you… I love you. Now I have to set you free.”

And with that, Hope took a few steps backward and was instantly crushed by a passing truck, leaving Leti to sob on the side of the road.

Hope’s devastating demise came as the Santo Padre Mayans mourned Creeper elsewhere in Wednesday’s episode — not knowing, of course, that EZ was responsible for that casualty. But during Creeper’s funeral, EZ managed to confess without really confessing, by way of a sly apology to the Mayans at the memorial.

“I killed my brother. I killed Creeper,” EZ told the men. “It was on my watch. If I’d made different decisions, or acted faster to make alliances, he’d still be here. I couldn’t protect him. And I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

Mm. Sure! During EZ’s pseudo-eulogy, the Mayans looked at him with a mix of sympathy and “Uh, you got us all into this mess, buddy,” but it was Kody (aka ATF Agent Katie McNeill) who gave EZ the most withering look of the night, glaring at him after paying her respects at Creeper’s open casket.

With only two episodes left in Mayans‘ run, who else do you suspect won’t make it out of Season 5 alive? Drop a comment with your theories, plus your thoughts about Episode 8.
