May 2023 Horoscopes: See what the stars have in store for you this month

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And just like that ... April showers bring May flowers. Before getting into May 2023 horoscopes, let's take a look at the transits affecting the collective.

Pluto retrograde begins on May 1 in Aquarius and backtracks all the way into Capricorn, ending on Oct. 11.

The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 urges us to evolve, while Venus’s movement into Cancer on May 7 opens our hearts to tenderness.

Mercury retrograde ends its backwards journey that began on April 21 on May 14, clearing up miscommunications during its forward motion.

Jupiter expands its luck-making powers upon entering Taurus on May 16. The following day, Jupiter and Pluto retrograde square off, heightening our desires for power and control. May 19’s new moon in Taurus offers us a fresh reset and grounding energy.

Mars enters Leo on May 20, allowing our confidence to soar. The sun enters Gemini on May 21, adding playfulness to the last days of spring and bringing connections closer through concise communication.

Here’s your personal horoscope for your Sun sign.


Be honest about what you need right now. Whatever makes you happy and gets you out of bed in the morning is what that you should consider pursuing now. If you’re feeling blocked from knowing what you want to do, try journaling your thoughts and emotions to let it all out. You never know what speaking or writing from the heart will do for your spirit.


The month ahead gives you the chance to start over and to make things right where they were once wrong. Although there will be moments in which you get frustrated, the cosmos are bringing you a moment of happiness and abundance. As long as you enjoy every moment of it and focus on the positive, you’ll be able to shake up your life in a good way. Don’t criticize or take these lovely days for granted. It’s been a while since you’ve been able to dance on air and embrace life to its fullest, so relish the present while it lasts.


With all the chaos and drama going on behind the scenes in your world, it’s hard to have a moment to yourself. Instead of being the friend and family member who’s always listening and being supportive, you should take back your energy and focus on yourself. It’s easy to get swept up in someone else’s life — especially if they’re in need. The point is that you’re in need as well. In order to help someone out, make sure that you have the capacity to do so without experiencing emotional burnout. Take a break and do you!


May is an ideal time to start putting your ducks in a row as you contemplate the next phase of your life. Connect with former colleagues on social media or LinkedIn to get a sense of any opportunities that are currently available. While you may not want to make any moves in leaving your job, it’s nice to put “feelers” out there — just to be informative about the scope of available positions. However, if something amazing comes your way — go for it! You never know where an interview will take you. Don’t hold yourself back from any possibility.


Right now, you are focusing on the next steps in diversifying and expanding your business opportunities. Taking on extra responsibilities at your job will prove to your boss that you want to do more at the office — but it won’t get the ball rolling in terms of your professional advancement. Instead of hinting about a raise, promotion, and receiving more opportunities, be direct. Think about sending an email to management citing all that you’ve done for the company and everything you want to do in the future. Your drive and passion for what you do will be undeniable.


This is a month in which you are opening your mind to fresh ideas and expanding your personal horizons. Your desire to learn about the world around you could lead to a class or discussion group focusing on your interests. Not only will this serve as a great way to interact with like-minded intellectuals, but you’ll feel seen by your peers and contemporaries for the first time in a long time — all of which will boost your confidence and introduce you to "your people."


Being at the top of your game is great — but it’s lonely if you don’t have anyone to share it with. For those Libras looking for love, you’ll be able to meet someone in the most unlikely places this month. And, for the Libras who are already in commitments, it’ll be a month in which you can honor the life you’ve built with your significant other. One thing to remember is that boundaries can easily become blurred at this time, which is why it is very important to set limits with the daily PDA, wink wink.


You’re in the process of becoming the vibrant and self-assured person you want to be. The only issue is that you’re holding onto some dead weight. Let go of all that does not currently serve your higher self. You may find that by putting certain situations and friendships on pause, you’re allowing yourself to become a more soulful and spirited person. The more people you have in your life who celebrate and support your successes, the better you’ll feel. You deserve to be surrounded by those who love you at your highest and lowest.


You may be suspicious of your partner or crush’s intentions during the upcoming weeks. Paranoia is forming a specific narrative in your head. The good news is that once Mercury retrograde turns direct, you’ll be able to see that these fears and phobias about your relationships aren’t real and manifestations of your past issues. Being able to work through this with your significant other will be challenging, but worth the effort in the end. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get to it in order to remedy your relationship for the better.


Being one of the most financially conservative zodiac signs, you rarely throw caution to the wind when it comes to how you spend your money. However, that might change this month. Connecting with your creative side will give you the confidence to take more risks in life — which might means spending cash without a care. Make sure that you adhere to a budget or keep receipts in case you change your mind on the items you recently purchased.


You’re finally feeling a zest of inspiration, allowing you to work on old creative projects. The good news is that you’ll do such a great job on this assignment that you will receive more assignments that are similar in nature from your boss. However, your independent and defiant streak will come out mid-month, urging you to do your own thing. Whether or not you choose to do them simultaneously is up to you — just make sure you have time in your schedule to do so. You do not want to get bombarded with work with no time to play.


Aren’t you a busy bee, Pisces! The month ahead will have you running around town for work engagements and personal errands, leaving little time for you to rest. Therefore, it’s important for you to make sure that you take time out of your busy schedule to relax and decompress. Try downloading a meditation app if you’re on the constant go or treat yourself to a hot bath before bed to detox your anxious energy. The more TLC you give to yourself, the easier it will be to complete projects and to stay alert at work without yawning throughout the day.

This article was originally published on
