Mark Katrick faith column: Finding the light in the darkness of January

Mark Katrick
Mark Katrick

Have you noticed that the brightest and most glorious light from above can be found right here in January, during the coldest, darkest month of the year? There’s nothing that will get you reaching for your shades more quickly than driving with the sunshine reflecting off freshly fallen snow or ice crystals that have formed on trees.

It’s almost like a day I experienced last June, tailor-made for a wedding. The venue was at Sugartree Fork Marina, just below the Salt Fork State Park Lodge.

I had been asked to participate, not as an officiant but as a family friend and spiritual guide. The buzz of excitement and anticipation permeated the silence of that sacred outdoor space.

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Several neatly lined rows of empty white chairs were awaiting the family and friends of the bride and groom. The sound system was being hooked up, tested and tested again while speakers were strategically placed.

The sun’s glare was relentless. A person could even get burned from its reflection off the lake. This sent me on a last-minute scramble for sunscreen, finding a small tube of it at the Marina’s camp store.

When the ceremony began, all went according to plan. A great and memorable time was had by all. At the lodge, the celebration continued on into the evening.

In my eyes (pun intended — you’ll see what I mean shortly) there was only the slightest of glitches. Because of the sheer intensity of all those UVB rays, I’d forgotten to remove my sunglasses and put on my reading glasses. It made me look like Joe Cool, the character played by Snoopy in “Peanuts.”

Fortunately, I didn’t need my readers to see the manuscript.

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Even if it had been overcast and raining, a light would have found its way to shine brightly on the bride and groom. And all would clearly see, hear and feel these words from Noel Paul Stookey’s “Wedding Song” come to life: “For wherever two or more of you are gathered in God’s name, there is love.”

It’s the Creator of us all who flicks the switch from off to on. Even after the sun sets and the moon rises, more than enough natural light remains from the stars above, to see what God envisions for you and me:

A world where all God’s children, love one another as much as the One who gifted us with these perfect summer and winter days, loves us. This Divine light is like an honored guest, who takes a front row seat for any and all the significant events in our lives.

All this is brought to life and light in Christ’s attendance at the wedding feast in Cana (John 2:1-12). It’s a great passage to read and reflect on before and after a wedding, with or without your shades.

Mark Katrick is a pastor and spiritual guide.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Mark Katrick faith column: Finding the light in the darkness of January
