Mark Katrick faith column: As you clean out cars, wallets, cherish items that inspire hope

The Rev. Mark Katrick is a guest columnist for the Newark Advocate and an ordained minister.
The Rev. Mark Katrick is a guest columnist for the Newark Advocate and an ordained minister.

This first Friday in November has been earmarked for my annual “fall” cleaning.

How often do you clean your houses/condos/apartments? I dust, wipe down and sweep my place at least once a week. How often do you clean your cars? My answer to that question is “not nearly often enough,” especially when the snow starts to fly and there’s all kinds of sand and salt and nasty stuff on the roads. Praise God for car washes and their heavy duty vacuum cleaners!

But do you ever clean out your wallets? I can’t even remember the last time I went sifting through the things that aren’t your driver’s license or credit cards.

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In that part is a laminated copy of “Footprints,” by Mary Stevenson but also attributed to others. It was given to me at a difficult time in my life by a pastor friend named Raleigh, nearly 30 years ago. These beautiful words paint a picture of “walking along the beach with the Lord” and wondering where he is when we’re feeling down and discouraged.

Then the Christ above, beside us and within, says that it is at these, “lowest and saddest of times,” when there are “only one set of footprints in the sand,” we are “carried by him.” The message is timeless and committed to my heart, which is why my little card remains tucked away — like the memories of when my Lord and Savior scooped me up from the sand and held me close in his strong, loving arms.

Have you ever given someone a Godly and inspirational icon or had one of these given to you? If you haven’t cleaned out your wallet lately, there’s no day like today to search for lost treasures with a deeply personal message from God to you, passed along by someone who cares.

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If you haven’t already done so, laminate your copy of “Footprints” or other verses that guide and inspire. While you’re at it, do the same for someone you love. I once preached a sermon illustration about an older gentleman who handed out laminated cards with a picture of the Good Shepherd cradling a sheep on one side, and the 23rd Psalm on the other.

A woman, the recipient of one of these, spoke to how this indelible image has walked beside her since she was a child. My set of “Footprints” has had the same effect on me.

Another card that was gifted to me somewhere along the way is a complement and an ever-present reminder of a God who reaches, teaches and touches us in tangible ways.

“Lord Jesus, When I cannot speak, hear me. When I cannot feel, hold me. When I cannot like myself, love me, despite myself. Keep me firm in the knowledge that I am yours and that you hear the prayers of my heart.” (

Mark Katrick is a pastor and spiritual guide.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Mark Katrick faith column: Cherish items that inspire hope in God's love
