Mark Your Calendar With These Festive December Holidays (It's More Than Just Christmas!)

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December is filled to the brim with holiday magic, but we're not just talking about Christmas! Don't get us wrong: We're more than excited to throw on our Santa hats and unwrap some presents! But while many people already have December 25 marked on their calendars, there are also so many other holidays and events during the month that are worth celebrating! Which is exactly what led us to creating this list of fun December holidays and observances.

Some people experience their own version of a winter wonderland come December, which means that hitting the slopes is at the top of their winter activity list! Well, those people would be happy to know that World Snowboard Day is an actual thing! Oh, and it's no secret that December calls for some very specific scents and aromas. You can put all your attention into that with Candle Day—because winter candles make the world go round! There are genuinely so many December holidays and observances that can appeal to anyone's interests, so read through this list to see which ones fit you best!

December Daily Holidays and Observances

  • Dec. 1: Antarctica Day, Day Without Art, National Christmas Lights Day, National Eat a Red Apple Day, National Peppermint Bark Day

  • Dec. 2 Candle Day, National Mutt Day, National Play Outside Day, National Fritters Day, Special Education Day, National Build Joy Day

  • Dec. 3: World Pear Day, International Day of Persons With Disabilities, Make a Gift Day, National Green Bean Casserole Day

  • Dec. 4: Wildlife Conservation Day, International Day of Banks, National Cookie Day, National Sock Day, National Dice Day, International Cheetah Day, Santa's List Day

  • Dec. 5: International Volunteer Day, National Blue Jeans Day, World Soil Day, World Trick Shot Day

  • Dec. 6: National Miners Day, National Microwave Oven Day, St. Nicholas Day

  • Dec. 7: Hanukkah starts, National Letter Writing Day, National Slime Day, National Cotton Candy Day, National Joy Day

  • Dec. 8 National Brownie Day, National Blue Collar Day, National Salesperson Day, Pretend To Be a Time Traveler Day

  • Dec. 9: National Llama Day, Christmas Card Day, National Pastry Day, World Techno Day

  • Dec. 10: Nobel Prize Day, Jane Addams Day, Human Rights Day

  • Dec. 11: Green Monday, UNICEF Birthday, National App Day, National Noodle Ring Day, National Stretching Day, International Mountain Day

  • Dec. 12: Gingerbread House Day, National Poinsettia Day

  • Dec. 13: National Day of the Horse, National Guard Birthday, National Violin Day, National Cocoa Day, National Cream Cheese Frosting Day

  • Dec. 14: Monkey Day, National Free Shipping Day, Roast Chestnuts Day

  • Dec. 15: National Cupcake Day, Bill of Rights Day, International Tea Day, National Wear Your Pearls Day, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

  • Dec. 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day, National Underdog Day, National Wreaths Across America Day

  • Dec. 17: National Maple Syrup Day

  • Dec. 18: Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day, National Twin Day, International Migrants Day

  • Dec. 19: National Hard Candy Day, National Oatmeal Muffin Day

  • Dec. 20: International Human Solidarity Day, Go Caroling Day, National Sangria Day

  • Dec. 21 National Crossword Puzzle Day, National French Fried Shrimp Day, Look on the Bright Side Day, Winter Solstice, World Snowboard Day, Yule

  • Dec. 22: National Short Person Day, National Cookie Exchange Day, National Date Nut Bread Day, Forefathers' Day

  • Dec. 23: Festivus, National Roots Day

  • Dec. 24: Christmas Eve, National Eggnog Day, Last Minute Shoppers Day

  • Dec. 25: Christmas, National Pumpkin Pie Day

  • Dec. 26: Boxing Day, National Candy Cane Day, Day of Goodwill, National Thank You Note Day

  • Dec. 27: National Fruitcake Day, Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day

  • Dec. 28: National Card Playing Day, National Short Film Day, Pledge of Allegiance Day, National Call-a-Friend Day

  • Dec. 29: International Cello Day, Still Need To Do Day, No Interruptions Day

  • Dec. 30: National Bacon Day, National Resolution Planning Day

  • Dec. 31: New Year's Eve, National Champagne Day, Universal Hour of Peace (from 11:30 pm to 12:30 am on Jan. 1), Make Up Your Mind Day

December Weekly Holidays and Observances

  • National Cookie Cutter Week (Dec. 1—7)

  • Hanukkah (Dec. 7—15)

  • Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 6—12)

  • Las Posadas (Dec. 16—24)

  • National Handwashing Awareness Week (Dec. 5—11)

  • Twelve Days of Christmas (Dec. 25 — Jan. 5)

  • Kwanzaa (Dec.26 — Jan. 1)

December Monthly Holiday and Observances

  • Art and Architecture Month

  • Bingo Month

  • Egg Nog Month

  • Gift of Sight Month

  • Learn a Foreign Language Month

  • Month of Giving

  • National Cat Lovers’ Month

  • National Human Rights Month

  • National Pear Month

  • National Tie Month

  • Operation Santa Paws (Dec. 1—24)

  • Read a New Book Month

  • Universal Human Rights Month

  • Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

  • Write a Friend Month

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