Marion County students tell Matt Manatee all about their Halloween plans

Ella Garrard, First Grade, St. John Lutheran School
Ella Garrard, First Grade, St. John Lutheran School

Dear Friends,

Thank you SO much for all the great letters telling me all about your Halloween plans! It sounds like everyone is going to have a lot of fun dressing up and going trick-or-treating. My podmates and I don’t dress up, but if we did, I think I’d like to be a land cow. Everybody calls us "sea cows," so I’m curious what it would be like having four legs.

I know there’s another special holiday coming up in November called Thanksgiving. I don’t know very much about it. What is it? How do you celebrate it and what’s your favorite part about it? I’m really interested to learn more — can you tell me about Thanksgiving?

Your friend,

Matt Manatee

Editor's note: Please send letters, pictures and jokes to and write "Matt Manatee" in the message line. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27. A selection will be published on Friday, Nov. 10.

Dear Matt, I like to dress up and go trick-or-treating. I like to go to parties. I’m going to my church to celebrate, and I’m going to dress up as Spider Gwen. I celebrate with my family including my Mom, Dad, brother, sister, uncle, grandma and my five cats! Have a nice day!

Your friend,

Miia Puente-Jacob

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

My favorite activity for the holiday Halloween is the parade we have at school. We all get to wear our costumes and have a big parade outside the school.

Your friend,

Javier Velez

Second Grade, Marion Charter School Dear Matt,

My favorite activity for the holiday Halloween is dressing up in your costume. I am going to be an inflatable dinosaur!

Your friend,

Landon Scott Patterson

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Dear Matt,

My favorite things about Halloween is going trick-or-treating, eating candy and dressing up to do our school parade.

Your friend,

Casey Monroe

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Kira Wells, second grade, Ocala Springs Elementary School, sketches out her Halloween costume.
Kira Wells, second grade, Ocala Springs Elementary School, sketches out her Halloween costume.

Dear Matt,

My name is Kira, and Halloween is so much fun! I go to my grandparents’ house. My favorite candy is Kit Kats, and I’m going trick-or-treating.

Your friend,

Kira Wells

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

(Loved the picture you drew of your costume, Kira! Thank you! – Matt)

Dear Matt, My favorite Halloween activity is trick-or-treating because we get stacks of candy. My favorite candy is Reese’s. I’m going to be a sloth for Halloween. I love to trick or treat at my papa’s house. I love love love to decorate for Halloween. My brother loves Halloween, too.

Your friend,

Aubrey Jones

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

(Aubrey, what a fantastic drawing of your costume! I bet you’ll get tons of Reese’s in your treat bag! – Matt)

Dear Matt, I really like Halloween. I like it because I get candy and I am with my family and just have fun. You can see friends and you get to dress up and you can put up Halloween decorations. Happy Halloween!

Your friend,

Mariah Fox

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

Halloween is my second favorite holiday. My favorite thing to do for Halloween is dress up. This year I’m going to be a Fortnite character called Skivit Trooper. I love to write stories to you!

Your friend,

Anthony Penick

Fifth Grade, Sparr Elementary

Dear Matt, My favorite thing to do is dress up in a costume. I don’t know what costume, but I think it is a scary person. We are going to the funspot and a party.

Your friend,

Jermaine Richardson

Fourth Grade, Sparr Elementary

Dear Matt,

Halloween is fun, and I want to dress up like Batman. Yes, we go trick-or-treating!

Your friend,

Kyng Smith

Fourth Grade, Sparr Elementary Dear Matt,

I am being Princess Peach.

Your friend,

Liberty Wheeler

First Grade, St. John Lutheran School


Knock Knock. Who’s there? Harry. Harry Who? Harry up, I’m cold out here. Remini Liccardello

First Grade, St. John Lutheran School

Q: Why was the baker such a bad comedian?

A: His jokes were stale.

Harper Jarvis

First Grade, St. John Lutheran School

This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: Costumes, parties, trick-or-treating: Kids tell Matt Manatee their Halloween plans
