Maren Morris Gets a ‘New Profile Pic’ After Tucker Carlson Calls Her a ‘Lunatic’

Maren Morris is poking fun at a Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who called her out for her feud with Jason Aldean‘s wife, Brittany, over a transphobic joke.

“#NewProfilePic,” the country star captioned a headline from Carlson’s interview with Brittany Aldean. While the headline didn’t appear onscreen, Carlson called Morris a “lunatic” and a “fake country music singer” during the interview.

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“omgahhh the highest honor,” Chrissy Teigen replied, with Cassadee Pope — who was also involved in the online spat — adding, “[laughing emojis] a framer for sure.”

On August 23, Brittany came under fire for a makeup video she posted with the caption, “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.”

In statement via Instagram Stories on Friday (Aug. 26), Brittany expanded upon her thoughts on transgender youth and their rights to gender-affirming care: “Advocating for the genital mutilation of children under the disguise of love and calling it ‘gender affirming care’ is one of the worst evils. I will always support my children and do what I can to protect their innocence,” she wrote. “The other day Memphis wanted to be a dinosaur and tomorrow Navy will want to be a cat. They’re children. Some parents want to be accepted by society so badly that they’re willing to make life-altering decisions for their children who aren’t old enough to fully comprehend the consequences of those actions. Love is protecting your child until they are mature enough as an adult to make their own life decisions. Thankful my parents allowed me to go through my tom boy phase without changing my gender.”

Aldean’s comments on social media were considered transphobic by many, and also drew backlash from some in the country music community, including Morris and Pope.

In response, Pope wrote on Twitter, “You’d think celebs with beauty brands would see the positives in including LGBTQ+ people in their messaging. But instead here we are, hearing someone compare their ‘tomboy phase’ to someone wanting to transition. Real nice.”

Morris replied to Pope’s tweet in agreement, writing, “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ins and zip it, Insurrection Barbie.”

After some back and forth between the three women, Brittany insisted that her words were “taken out of context,” and later told Carlson that she’s “advocating for children.”

She added, “I think that children should not be allowed to make these life-changing decisions at such a young age. They are not mature enough; they should have parents who love them and advocate for them regardless. We have ages on everything. We have it for cigarettes, driving, military, voting … yet for some reason people think that we can let a child choose their gender so young? It’s very baffling to me.”

Transgender is a term for anyone whose gender does not align with their sex assigned at birth. Gender identity is also not the same thing as gender expression, i.e. being a “tomboy.”

Pre-pubertal transgender children can often begin a social transition, changing one’s name and pronouns, or wearing a style that aligns best with their identity. Legal changes to names and genders listed in identifying documents are also possible. Transgender children are not offered puberty blockers or hormone treatments until they reach puberty, and medical guidelines generally do not recommend genital gender-affirming surgeries before a child reaches age 18.

See GLAAD’s page here for more transgender information and resources.

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