March 2023 horoscopes: See what the stars have in store for you this month

The month ahead has the potential for change and growth — not to mention the end of Pisces season and start of Aries. Before heading into individual horoscopes, let's take a look at important astrological dates to keep in mind in March.

Inquisitive Mercury swims into dreamy Pisces on March 2. The Virgo full moon on March 7 asks us to open our minds and hearts.

Taskmaster Saturn starts a new year cycle in Pisces on March 7, asking us to do the work needed to attain our desires for the next two and a half years.

Love planet Venus moves into earthy Taurus on March 16, bringing sensuality to the forefront of our lives.

On March 19, Mercury enters Aries and brings passionate words to our communication.

The sun fires up in Aries on March 20, the same day as the spring equinox and astrological new year.

The new moon in Aries occurs on March 21, helping us plant the seeds for the future.

Evolutionary Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23, making strides in the world-at-large and relationships.

Mars enters emotional Cancer on March 25, changing up our moods with the movement of the moon.

Phew! Now that we got those covered, read on for your monthly March horoscopes.


No matter how many curveballs are thrown your way, it’s important to keep the faith and know you're heading you're supposed to go. Progress is all about being able to get through the process of change — even if you have to take baby steps to get to your destination.


Minimize the amount of energy you're giving to others this March. Instead, focus on self love. Some may call your newfound attitude selfish, but there's a time for putting yourself first. Be the main character in your life story this month.


Trying to appease your boss or colleagues with words of flattery won’t cut it this month. The people in your life are looking for receipts about your performance — whether in the emotional sphere or the professional. Though you're known for your wit, sweet talking won't help you out of situations this month. Better to try and avoid trouble entirely.


You’re never too old to learn something new. Challenging as it may seem at first, open your mind to new philosophies or ways of doing things. By doing so, you may find just the tidbit that will help you on your personal journey. Lean into the information coming your way. Maybe it's there for a reason.


Going with the flow isn’t necessarily your style. You prefer to know every step of the process with hyper-specific directions and information. Your fixed nature will resist the cosmic push to transform. This month, you may be confronted with the fact that change itself is a fact of life. Even if you're not looking a personal evolution at the moment, the stars have different plans for you.


The energy that you’re receiving is a mirror to what you’re giving (or vice versa). Be aware of how you are treating others and making them feel on a daily basis. The more love and kindness you share with those you care about, the more abundant your heart will be. Yes, it's possible to make your heart grow a size.


Finding balance in life is essential. After all, you don’t want to give so much to your job so that you miss out on the important moments of your personal life. If that means forgoing one or two work events — then so be it. Nothing is more precious than the world you’ve created with those you love. If it comes between family time and getting your hustle on, be sure to choose wisely.


Your intuition will be off balance in the weeks ahead, which is why it’s best to think before jumping into any situation. Ask friends and family for advice if need be. They’ll be able to offer suggestions and insights that may not have occurred to you. Then, you can take a calculated risk, keeping your higher self in mind.


The desire to understand yourself on a deeper level may make you seek out alternative approaches of healing. As you excavate the past, you may find that there's more there than can be healed in a short amount of time. Think of "you" as a long-term project.


Take a step back and decompress. You don’t have to take on every project and task to prove your worth. Sometimes it’s best to enjoy the moments as they pass. Your challenge this month? Relaxing!


Recognize that you deserve real and true love. This message is for both coupled and single water-bearers alike. By letting go of old hurts, you'll be able to hold a more open space for others. Allowing yourself to be happy will prove to be a game changer in how you approach others as well as yourself.


March may be an especially lucky month for you Pisces. You may find that people in your inner and outer circles bring you opportunities in the coming weeks. You may get the feeling that your destiny is taking shape around you.

Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. These posts are not intended to act as a directive.

This article was originally published on
