How many house seats are up for election in 2024? These are the U.S. House races to watch.

The 2024 House elections are just around the corner. Like the races for Senate and President, speculation has already started about how the electoral math will shake out for the lower chamber. Only with the US House, the equation is much larger.

How many House seats are up for election in 2024? All of them. That's right, the entire chamber sheds its skin every two years, making it (almost) always an election cycle for U.S. representatives.

This year, Democrats face a tough map if they hope to regain control of the House, while Republicans have a slight advantage in growing their majority.

How many House seats are up for reelection in 2024?

Unlike the Senate, the House of Representatives is not sectioned off so that only certain members are up for re-election each year. Instead, representatives face re-election every two years, meaning in 2024 all 435 seats will be up for election.

How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?

There are 435 members of the House. Each state gets a different number based on population.

California, the nation's most populous state has 52 representatives. Wyoming, which has the smallest population has only one representative. Other states with just one representative include Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Delaware.

How many Democrats are in the House of Representatives in 2023?

After the 2022 midterm elections, a closely divided House of Representatives emerged. Republicans control the chamber with a narrow majority of just 10 members. The party holds 222 seats, while Democrats have 212.

Races to watch in the 2024 House elections:

The Cook Political Report, a political forecasting newsletter, lists 23 seats as complete toss-ups, not yet leaning toward either party.

Among those seats, 10 are currently held by Democrats and 13 are held by Republicans.

The Democrat-held seats are:

  • Colorado 8th: Rep. Yadira Caraveo

  • Michigan 7th: Open (Currently occupied by Rep. Elissa Slotkin)

  • North Carolina 6th: Rep. Kathy Manning

  • North Carolina 13th: Rep. Wiley Nickel

  • North Carolina 14th: Rep. Jeff Jackson

  • New Mexico 2nd: Rep. Gabe Vasquez

  • Ohio 13th: Rep. Emilia Sykes

  • Pennsylvania 7th: Rep. Susan Wild

  • Pennsylvania 8th: Rep. Matt Cartwright

  • Washington 3rd: Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez

The Republican-held seats are:

  • Arizona 1st: Rep. David Schweikert

  • Arizona 6th: Rep. Juan Ciscomani

  • California 13th: Rep. John Duarte

  • California 27th: Rep. Mike Garcia

  • California 41st: Rep. Ken Calvert

  • Colorado 3rd: Rep. Lauren Boebert

  • Louisianna 5th: Rep. Lauren Boebert

  • New Jersey 7th: Rep. Thomas Kean Jr.

  • New York 4th: Rep. Anthony D'Esposito

  • New York 17th: Rep. Mike Lawler

  • New York 19th: Rep. Marc Molinaro

  • New York 22: Rep. Brandon Williams

  • Oregon 5th: Rep. Chavez-DeRemer

Outside the pure toss-up races, there are several races classified as "leans," meaning they are competitive but one party holds an advantage. There are 15 races leaning blue for Democrats and six leaning red for Republicans. As 2024 shapes up, those numbers may change.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How many house seats are up for election in 2024? The races to watch.
