Many happy returns: Put leaves to good use by setting rake aside, taking this step

Johnson County Extension.

Raking leaves in the fall may bring back happy childhood memories of creating leaf piles to jump into. Now that we are older, the chore of raking isn’t quite as fun. It’s work.

What if I told you about an easier way to get rid of the leaves while putting them to good use? Instead of raking, your lawnmower does the work and saves you time, energy and money.

Let me introduce you to mulch mowing — a process by which the mower chops the leaves, allows them to filter back into the lawn, and returns valuable nutrients and organic matter to the soil. The frequency of your mowing is the key to success. How often to mow the lawn is not based on turf growth, it is based on the level of fallen leaves covering the lawn. Mow when there is a light layer of leaves.

Begin by removing the bagging attachment from the mower. This allows finely chopped leaves to filter back into the turf. To ensure you are mulch mowing correctly, look behind after you make a pass with the mower. You should mainly see grass blades and a few chopped leaves. If you see leaves covering the grass, too many leaves were mowed. This requires a second pass to chop the leaves further.

Research has shown that between 6 to 8 inches total of leaves can be returned to the soil when mowing occurs frequently. These finely chopped leaves decompose. Chopped leaves do not spread disease or add to the thatch, which is a layer of dead grass stems and rhizomes that impede water and nutrient movement into the soil.

When you apply lawn fertilizer, you increase your mulch-mowing success. A November application is recommended for bluegrass and tall fescue. This later application feeds the microorganisms and helps them digest and breakdown the leaves into compost even faster. This light layer of compost naturally decomposes the thatch layer. This treatment is essential as the nutrients convert to stored food and energy for the grass plant, ensuring an early spring green-up.

Leaves don’t always fall on our schedule. If the number of leaves begins to accumulate heavily, try this option before raking. Remove the bagging attachment and mow. Let the mower chop the leaves then mow a second time with the bagging attachment. The excess chopped leaves will be pulled up by the mower. This process significantly reduces the bulk of leaves, making them easier to manage. The excess bagged leaves can now be easily added as supplemental mulch throughout your garden or compost pile.

Never rake or blow leaves out into the street. They move into the storm drains, which clogs the intake and slows water movement. The result is increased flash flooding. As excess leaves load streams with organic matter, water quality is impaired. As they break down, they release nutrients that can increase algae growth and harm fish.

The goal of mulch mowing is to decrease work and the number of bagged leaves sent to our landfills. You might miss out on the epic piles but will spend less time on leaf chores, with the added benefit of being more environmentally friendly.

Dennis Patton is a horticulture agent with Kansas State University Research and Extension. Have a question for him or other university extension experts? Email them to
