Mannequin Draws Caution as Barber Motorsport Park's "Georgina" Falls During IndyCar Race

mannequin falls from bridge at barber
A Fallen Mannequin Halts IndyCar RaceIndycar

On lap 52 of the Children of Alabama IndyCar Grand Prix at Barber Motorsport Park, a caution was thrown for easily the strangest reason so far in the 2024 season. A beloved mannequin that hangs from the bridge came untied and plummeted to the ground below, just inches away from the track.

The booth was quick to note, as a humanoid-shaped figure fell from a bridge, that it was not a real person but instead a piece of local racing lore planted by track owner George Barber.

"Not a real person, we need to point out right away," NBC reported, "This is part of the eccentric part of what populates Barber Motorsports Park."

In IndyCar lore, Georgina is a crazy IndyCar fan who watches the race while hanging from underneath the bridge.

As Georgina's feet hit the ground, the impact reverberated up and shook the mannequin's skirt off, landing at her knees. This is a sentence that any writer would not expect to write in a racing blog, but alas, here we are.

It's clear how unfazed this was to those familiar with the sport by how lightly it was handled, but it has to be unnerving to first-time Barber viewers both on and off the track. The 2024 rookies should be asked about there experience post race.

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