Man arrested over ‘Manchester Arena bomber’ Halloween costume

A man has been arrested after complaints about somebody appearing on social media wearing a Halloween costume depicting Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi.

Abedi killed 22 people as well as himself when he detonated a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at the arena in May 2017.

Pictures of a man wearing an Arabic-style headdress, with the slogan “I love Ariana Grande” on his T-shirt, and carrying a rucksack with “Boom” and “TNT” written on the front, caused fury when they were posted earlier this week.

In a statement, North Yorkshire Police said: “North Yorkshire Police can confirm that a man has been arrested after the force received complaints about a man wearing an offensive costume on social media depicting murderer Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people at Manchester Arena.

“The man was arrested on 1 November on suspicion of a number of offences including using a public communication network to send offensive messages.

“He remains in police custody for questioning at this time.”
