'Mama June: Family Crisis': Mama June Reclaims Her Power After Past Abusive Relationships (Exclusive)

Mama June isn't letting any man tell her what to do!

In an exclusive clip from the upcoming episode of Mama June: Family Crisis, the family matriarch rides with her daughter, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, and husband, Justin Stroud. As the trio make their way back home, the topic of Chickadee's affairs come up, with June expressing how her daughter, Pumpkin, has suggested the family jump start the planning process as Anna's condition progresses.

"I understand that Pumpkin wants Anna to get all of her affairs in order and so do I, but with her just now finishing chemo, I don't think this is a good time to bring up like, 'Hey, we need to do this. Hey, we need to do that. Hey, we need to do this.' It's a lot," June says in an interview.

Back in the car, June and Justin have a discussion about their living arrangements and June's decision to not renew the lease on their property in Alabama, while they are looking for a house in Georgia to be closer to her children.

Blindsided, a frustrated Justin reminds her that they don't have a home in Georgia, and her decision has left them with just days to scramble to find a home.

"You just don't make decisions on your own about like what house we're gonna live in, June," he tells her. "When was you really gonna tell me this?"

June suggests that their time with Anna and her cancer treatment made her too busy to share the information with her husband, who is now worried that they'll be homeless.

"It doesn't look like my opinion matters, period," Justin says. "You make decisions about houses by yourself."

The conversation strikes a nerve with June, who explains that she no longer waits for men to make decisions for her, after years of being in abusive relationships.

"Justin always thinks that I'm the boss, or that I like to wear the pants or that I don't want anybody else's opinion, but it's not that," June explains in the confessional. "I'm used to having men, that I've been in relationships with, having my f**king credit cards and beating the sh*t out of me, telling me that, hey, I'm not allowed to talk unless I'm spoke to. And now, I don't have to do that. I have my own opinion because I don't give a sh*t whether you like it or you don't like it, I'm gonna have it because I have my voice back, and I'm stronger than I was."

Back in the car, Justin quips that it's like follow the leader...and Mama June couldn't disagree more.

"Whatever," she tells her husband. "Follow my a** leader."

Mama June: Family Crisis airs Fridays on WeTV.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or go to thehotline.org. All calls are toll-free and confidential.


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