Mama Duck at Disney Makes the Sweetest Parenting Move to Help Her Little Ducklings

CC Lei Zhu NZ/Shutterstock

When you're a mom you're never off-duty, even if you're a duck. Like one duck at Disney, who had to figure out how to get her ducklings down from a ledge after they sort of got stuck up there. It really looked hairy for a minute! But thankfully those mom instincts were strong and everyone turned out a-okay.

Paige Bryant was there when it happened and managed to get the whole thing on camera.

Things first got off-track when the mama duck jumped off the ledge herself. She must not have realized that the jump was too high for her flock of ducklings trailing behind her. But it quickly became apparent that they weren't going to follow her anywhere.

Related: Mystery Man Saving Tiny Ducklings From Sewer Must Be Protected at All Costs

They looked so scared! But mama quickly figured out what to do. She walked up a staircase to meet her ducklings. Success! They were able to walk away together, but that was definitely a close one.

The comments section was cheering. "Work smart, not hard. Go mom," one person praised. "Tickets to Disney for eight is insane what kinda job does she have," someone else joked. "I love how they all sorta sat down like 'momma told us to stay put if we can't reach her!'" another commenter kidded.

How Mother Ducks Keep Their Brood Together

Not only is it impressive that the mom got her babies down, but she didn't lose any of them either. It's downright impressive. There's a way that mama ducklings keep their babies together when out and about.

Ducklings are born precocial, meaning they can walk, talk, and swim like an adult duck from the minute they're born. As soon as ducklings are born, they follow their mother to the water. Mother ducks tells the ducklings where to go by making a gentle clucking sound that keeps them together. Her babies will let her know they're with her by making a peeping noise in response.

The problem is that ducks can't always keep tabs on their babies. If one baby gets lost, mama duck won't know that they're gone if they're out of sight.

What to Do if You Find a Lost Duckling

If you happen to find a lost duckling, have no fear. There are ways to get it to safety. You might want to first check local water sources and see if mom and the rest of the ducklings are there. Ducks tend to bring their babies to water, so that's a safe bet. Just make sure to keep your distance so you don't startle the animals.

If there are no other ducks to be found, you can try and contain the duckling. Then call animal control for assistance. Whatever you do, if you have your duckling in a box don't open the lid. Ducklings are prone to jumping out and running away.

Thankfully, this mama kept her flock together, we'd hate to think of what could've happened otherwise.

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