Major labor group makes endorsement in Sacramento mayor race, sparking criticism from opponent

The Sacramento Central Labor Council has endorsed Kevin McCarty for mayor, prompting a fight to heat up between two of the other candidates.

McCarty, a former council member and current assemblyman, announced the high profile endorsement Thursday on social media.

“I’m honored to have earned the support of the (Central Labor Council) for my mayoral campaign,” McCarty wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, Thursday. “I will always fight to improve the lives of workers.”

The labor council is known as one of the most significant endorsements candidates can win in local races. The organization is comprised of 90 unions representing 170,000 members across six counties.

Sacramento Central Labor Council Executive Director Fabrizio Sasso said in a statement included in McCarty’s post: “The Sacramento Central Labor Council is proud to support Kevin McCarty because of his long record of fighting for working families. We know Kevin’s vision for the city of Sacramento will always include fighting for good jobs with fair pay, protecting worker benefits, and safe working conditions.”

The following day, McCarty and fellow mayoral candidate Steve Hansen attended a Greater Sacramento Urban League event at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento at 12th and L streets. That hotel is listed on the website FairHotel as one people should boycott if they wish to support unionized hotel workers, due to an ongoing labor dispute.

On Monday, mayoral candidate Flojaune Cofer slammed McCarty and Hansen for attending the event.

“Two of my opponents – Kevin McCarty and Steve Hansen – crossed a picket line last Friday, just two days after McCarty received the Central Labor Council’s endorsement,” Cofer wrote on X Monday.

Cofer acknowledged in the post that she had hoped to receive the endorsement but had understood that McCarty had a long history with leaders in the labor movement. However, she noted that she stood in solidarity with labor unions regardless of the endorsement.

If I ride with you, I ride,” she wrote. “As a third generation union member, I stand with working people. Solidarity matters to me. I do NOT cross picket lines.”

She went on to note that at a meeting with Sasso this past summer, he had shared a list of picket line locations that included the Hyatt Regency. She argued given McCarty’ and Hansen’s experience as elected officials they should have known that their attendance at the Urban League event was problematic.

“So color me shocked — from home — when I saw photos of my mayoral opponents, including the CLC’s endorsed candidate, crossing the picket line,” Cofer wrote. “ ... Sacramento deserves a mayor who stands with workers and won’t cross a picket line.”

Hansen fired back hours later.

“I did not and would not cross a picket line,” Hansen wrote on X, including photos of himself at the event. “Voters deserve the truth from their leaders — it’s unfortunate to see a candidate resort to lies and deception. (By the way, the Greater Sacramento Urban League) held an amazing 55th anniversary dinner. You should have been there to support the community.”

Cofer responded with a screenshot of the Fair Hotels web page.

Hansen did not elaborate for this story beyond sharing his response on X. Neither McCarty nor Sasso responded to message from The Sacramento Bee seeking comment.

Hansen slams Cofer over DSA support

It was the second squabble to play out on social media between Cofer and Hansen this month.

The Democratic Socialists of America on Oct. 7 posted to X: “DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime — a regime that receives billions in funding from the United States. End the violence. End the Occupation. Free Palestine.”

Hansen on Oct. 9 criticized Cofer for being endorsed by the DSA.

“What Hamas did to innocent civilians — killing and kidnapping — families, women and babies is abhorrent,” Hansen wrote on X. “It’s clear (Democratic Socialists of America) and (Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America) sides with terrorists. Will (Cofer) condemn their support of terrorism? Will (Cofer) reject their endorsement and disavow them?”

Hansen has gotten high profile endorsements of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and the city police officers union. District Attorney Thien Ho has endorsed former state Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, the fourth candidate in the race. The city firefighters union and Mayor Darrell Steinberg have not yet made announcements on endorsements.

In addition to McCarty for mayor, the labor council last week endorsed Councilwoman Katie Valenzuela for re-election to her council seat over challenger Phil Pluckebaum.

Residents filed complaints against Cofer and Valenzuela alleging they raised more money than the city campaign limits allowed. An outside consultant found they should not be penalized due to confusing city codes and council actions. The city’s Ethics Commission will make a determination during its meeting Monday.

The primary election will be held March 5. If no one gets at least 50.01% of the vote, the top two candidates will advance to a general election in November. All four candidates are Democrats.
